Accepting God's Will

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Lord's Prayer"1 (Lyrics)

When it's easy or suits my purposes, I normally don't buck it. But when it goes against my grain and costs me? Well …

There have been many occasions when I've struggled to discover God's will. But there have also been times when I knew what God wanted, and I was simply not overjoyed about doing it. Such as the time when I knew that He wanted me to resign my leadership position when I had nothing in tow. Like Abraham, my wife and I walked blindly into the unknown.

Eli the priest couldn't control his sons who were dishonouring God with disobedient behaviour. He failed to punish them, so God revealed to Samuel His impending judgement on Eli and his family.

1 Samuel 3:18 – So Samuel told Eli everything; he didn't hold anything back. "It is the Lord's will," Eli replied. "Let him do what he thinks best." (NLT)

Accepting God's will requires that I first believe that He has a unique plan for my life and is actually interested in the directions I take. He does and is. He's my Father, and I'm His child. Good parents are always interested in helping their children.

Believing that God can see into the future that I can't also makes it easier to accept His will. I can only see the moment, but God is present in the future that I haven't experienced yet. Thus, He can give me wise direction whether or not it seems so to me. It may not even make logical sense.

Accepting God's will always takes me farther spiritually than I am presently. Obeying His plans means walking by faith — not sight. This is scary, but it builds my trust in Him as my sole Provider and Sustainer.

When I accept God's will, it honours Him. I receive peace, and others see God more clearly through my life.

Have you accepted God's plan for your life?

Prayer: Gracious God, give us courage to go where You lead, even when You guide us through valleys deep. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you Martin. A good one as always.

    Great testimony Martin and a good example of walking by faith.

    Dear Martin.
    I really liked your devotional From this morning, you are a wise man.

    One often wonders.. Have I really followed and accepted what God had planned for me. A question we really can’t answer, because we are not God and we really do not know what He totally designed for our lives. When we feel good about something, we think, Yes, this is what God wants, BUT, is it.
    I often ponder and consider maybe what we think is His glorious will for us is indeed not at all what our Father wants for us.
    We can caught up in the plans of others, believing it is God’s will. THUS we go along for the ride, actually not doing the will of God in our own lives.

    Thank you Martin. Blessings.

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