In All Things

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "His Eye Is On The Sparrow"1 (Lyrics)

Romans 12:12 – Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (RSV)

I think of the many situations where, looking back, it was obvious that something supernatural was taking place, but I didn't know at the time that it was God with me. Each situation was a stepping stone to walk with God more closely, until I committed with my whole being to be watched by God as the only way.

One day, I went to a mall looking for an article to buy, and I asked the Lord to send His angels to guide my tired steps to the right place. It was as if I were carried to the far corner of the store and to the very rack where I found myself staring at the article I wanted. It amazed me! How did I get there? All I could think of was that for God, everything is possible. Why would He bother with such a thing? For me, it means how detailed God is. I see God as having great humour!

That incident crowned my little faith in an amazing God Who is in control of all things. I have only to look at my own life to see how tribulation has entered in one way or another, how hardships and trials have become part of the journey, and how toil and labour have had an impact. I am reminded of many serious situations when I called upon the Lord to be with me or with those in dire situations. I smile a peculiar smile known only to those who walk with Jesus! The journey becomes a joy, with the zeal of thanksgiving and praise in His name! Many others have had the same or an even deeper witness of how they "got there" by the grace of God! It will be a grand time in heaven when we meet to have table talk with the host of heaven and compare notes about the Lord's goodness to us.

I think of all the years gone by and how it has been in God's plan to walk me through tough times, to guide me through the days of my blindness, and to watch over me when I thought that I had no need for being watched over. Looking back on yesteryear, I see how I acted against God in many ways. It was in God's good will to teach me that He had a safety net for me to fall into. The teaching came in ways that I did not care for but were so necessary for the old "Adam and Eve" in me. God was showing me that I was a sinner and making it clear that there was no salvation apart from His love in Jesus Christ.

I have more to learn, and more to ask forgiveness for, knowing that God will finish the work that He began in me. That is why I rejoice exceedingly. That is my thanksgiving to Almighty God who has watched and walked me to my old age.

We all have more to learn. Let us place our hope and trust in God, through Jesus Christ, Who purchased our salvation at a costly price.

Prayer: God Almighty, nothing is impossible to You! You spoke and created all that is seen and unseen. Your love sent us Jesus, and through Jesus, we are credited as righteous. We rejoice in our hope and give You thanks for each detail in our life of faith. In Jesus' name, we pray! Amen and Amen!

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Thank you. That was beautiful.

    Amen, many times over, Kirsti.

    Thanks Kirsti for the encouragement.

    Thank you Kirsti. A good message as always.

    I love your truths — gives me encouragement!!

    Thank you. I too have known God’s blessings, his care, and his humour.

    Dear Kirsti:
    Amen dear sister!! Thank you for sharing all of your God-given insights with us.
    God bless you.

    Dear Kristi,
    In many ways, I can relate to your experience. Your testimony is always an inspiration to me.
    Stay blessed.

    Dear Kristi,
    Thank you for your devotional from today. I really liked it very much. It is an inspiring devotional to read. May our Lord continue to bless you.

    Dear Kirsti,
    Thank you for a great account of our amazing Lord’s way with you.
    We thank Him for his special times of revealing Himself to us, and for the knowledge that He is with us every moment of every day. As you have testified, He is mighty to save, to keep, and to guide.
    Keep writing.

    Dear Kirsti:
    Thank you for another heartfelt devotional. I now can recognize you as the writer before I get down to your name! I thrill with Jesus in your love for Him!
    Although we will likely never meet here on Earth, I have asked Him to introduce me to you when we both get to Heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be!
    Keep on writing for Him. You can’t imagine how many are blessed by your sharing of His goodness.

    Good afternoon Kirsti:
    I always love your messages. They give me hope and the joy of knowing our Lord is always there providing the guidance and strength we need day by day as we continue our journey through this weary old world. With God everything is indeed possible and I often think of the little chorus we learned in Bible School, God can do anything, anything, anything, God can can do anyting but fail. He is indeed a wonderful friend and like you so wonderfully assure us “He is in control of every situation in our lives if we surrender our lives to Him.”
    Blessing to you for another message teaching us our Lord walks with us daily through every situation in life.

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