Oh, How I Love Jesus!

Monday, November 18, 2013
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Listen while you read: "O How I Love Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 103:13-14,17 – As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him; for He knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children. (NIV)

Lately, I have had more trips to medical appointments, in turn resulting in more tests, even in a neighbouring city.

To find the distant places can be a challenge, but if instructions are given to ease the way, it is easy and non-problematic to find the registration desk where I am asked questions for the record of my being there.

I have learned to be ready for the routine, and usually, all goes well. I relax and wait to be seen, and when the test is done, I am told to go home and then keep the appointment with the doctor to hear the outcome.

I marvel about the machines and wires, and the MRI tunnels I have been in, and how they can find out things in my body in order to begin a treatment, if need be.

I can't help but compare all this to my spiritual health and all the tests before God in His health-care system, for my soul to live eternally in His kingdom. The first test, however early or seemingly insignificant, was the beginning of a lifelong examination before God and His conditions for my spiritual wellbeing.

Amid life's many distractions, we learn that only in Jesus do we have the right answers to pass the registration process into God's health-giving presence. We are told in the Scriptures that there is no other way to God. Jesus Christ was, is, and will be the only name given for us to enter into God's presence for this life and the next.

It is for us to keep steadfastly anchored in the Word of God and make the good news of Jesus known around us. That is what I emphasized when I met a young man who said that he does not believe in God. "Why is God not doing anything in this messy world?" he asked. I took it as his cry for help. I hope that my words to him were some consolation and that he will think more deeply about God and stand in a registration line of his own to meet God personally and come to the saving knowledge of salvation in Jesus Christ. May he be among the ones led from despair to the joy of life in Jesus Christ!

May there be many more who find it non-problematic to find Jesus Christ and come to the knowledge of salvation by the grace of God. God's invitation is simple: Come as you are! God knows how we are! It is no secret to Him!

Prayer: Oh, how I love Jesus! Lord, bless all who share their love for You with the hurting ones. They pass us every day. Give us a moment to care and show compassion and speak hope that registers in their hearts. Come, Lord Jesus, with Your power and might to the hearts of hurting ones. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <kirstiksipila@hotmail.com>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the encouragement Kirsti.

    Thank you Kirsti. May your week ahead be a great one.

    Thank you for your lovely heart-felt message today. I do enjoy your sharing!
    May God continue to bless you and use you.

    Hi Kirsti! I really liked your analogy. Thank God for His healthcare plan – the only one that really works.

    Hi Kirsti,
    Thanks for the devotional and its reassuring content.
    I am also on the road to recovery.
    I shall pray you recover soon from your ailment.
    God bless you.

    May there be many more who find it non-problematic to find Jesus Christ and come to the knowledge of salvation by the grace of God. God’s invitation is simple: Come as you are! God knows how we are! It is no secret to Him!
    Amen sister.
    May God grant you healing and the certain assurance of His presence and peace, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    Dear Kirsti,
    Thank you for the real gospel message of your devotional.
    I pray for you that you will be enabled by God to continue writing.
    And I pray for the young man you mention who needs the assurance that God does care for this world and for himself in it. May he learn that Jesus loves him and that Jesus died for his salvation. And I pray he will go on to know that he can be a co-worker with Jesus to do something wonderful for this world’s people.

    And one day, for all those who called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved, we will enter Heaven, by His grace alone, and will be completely healed of all diseases forever.
    My father passed away from illness at age 80, but thankfully my dad accepted Christ as Saviour in his early teens. I certainly miss my father here on earth but I know he is with our Heavenly Father healed for eternity and one day I’ll be there too, praising Jesus non-stop for all He has done for us.
    How can people live in this broken world without Christ?

    Dear Madam,
    God bless you for this write up and the practicality to which you addressed along side your experiences.

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