What I Need

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Am Thine O Lord"1 (Lyrics)

Recently, I rode my bicycle in a charity event for work. Not knowing what the route would be like, I trained on hills and on rough and smooth roads. I also had my bicycle tuned up just before the event. The day was overcast and gloomy, but the fall trees and country roads were spectacular. I biked at times with other bikers, but for the most part, I biked alone, taking in the magnificent fall colours and scenery.

Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (NIV)

This event challenged me to the limit, at times, as I mastered hills that were higher than I had ever ridden before, roads and curves that were unfamiliar to me, as well as a distance that was beyond what I usually ride on any given day. I knew in my heart that even with all the training, I needed Jesus to be with me on this ride, and my prayers leading up to this event reflected this.

I have learned that I need to seek the Lord daily for what I need, and not for what I want or what I think I need. Through trial and error, I have learned to trust Him and lean on Him daily, and this day would be no different.

As I entered the last checkpoint, I was told that there were only seven kilometres to go, to which I replied, "That's all?" Then out of my mouth came the words, "Only seven kilometres? I can do that in my sleep!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew that it was a mistake. So much for seeking the Lord and being humble!

James 4:10 – Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up. (NIV)

On the last seven kilometres, there was a wind from the north that had not been present on the first 43+ kilometres. My average speed dropped to half of what it had been. Soon, I began to lean into the wind and focus my thoughts on the Lord, humbled that needed Him more than ever on the last part of the event.

What I experienced on the last seven kilometres of my ride reinforced what the Lord has been teaching me.

The Lord has promised never to leave us, and His promise is that He will always be there. Why is it so hard for us to accept this, rather than to think that we can do it alone or that we have it all figured out? Christ is what makes the Christian walk so different from other beliefs. Only He can provide what we need on a daily basis, and only He can convict us of being proud and then humble us to Him. Other beliefs cannot offer this as salvation; it comes only from having a relationship with Christ Jesus.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 – But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. (NIV)

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the daily life lessons that You freely give to us with love and grace. Help us to stay in relationship with You so that we can grow and learn from You daily. Give us a boldness to share Your love and grace with a world trying to do it on their own. At no time should it be about what we need or want, but all about Your will and way in our life. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Julie Bowles <julieanni@rogers.com>
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Julie!!

    Good reminder Julie.

    Thank you for sharing for us today, Julie.

    Thank you Julie, for your inspirational devotional. A great one not only to remember but to put into practice. Thank you again.
    Blessings on you and your family.

    Great message, Julie.
    Guess, it was another lesson learned. I do it all the time.
    Well done, for covering so many kilometers, by the way.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you close.

    Hi Julie, It is nice to confront one’s own weakness.
    I admire bike riders. Until our sixth month in Canada many years ago my only vehicle was a bicycle … which says in Afrikaans … much struggle >> baie sukkel.
    God bless you Julie.

    Julie – I loved your story and the realization you received that you needed to depend on Him. How wonderful is that! And, the word “boldness” popped out at me from your prayer, for I have experienced a new boldness in my witness for Him. Praise Him!
    May God bless you.

    WOW! You are in good condition.

    So what happened at the end of the race?
    DId you finish/place?
    I lost the point of the submission.

    Good Evening Julie: As always a beautiful message. I have watched you grow so beautifully, spiritually, over the past few years. Your messages are indeed a challenge and a lesson for all who love the Lord and indeed for those who are searching. Thank you for being such a faithful servant.
    I want to thank the Lord, for blessing Julie and fortifying her messages with your love, devotion and faithfulness to us. She always leaves us with a word of caution and blessing from you.
    Glad you had such a nice journey over the by-ways and high-ways during your charity event, AND wasn’t it amazing how the Lord humbled you when you allowed satan to make you think “you personally could tackle the last few miles on your own.” – He is such a wise and amazing God. Have a lovely weekend. Keep writing.

    Dear Julie,
    I could see your pressing on to mark of the high calling of Jesus Christ in your devotional.
    Keep writing.
    I’m with you in your thrill of biking, though I’ve never done anything long-distance. Be sure to keep having heart check-ups if you are pushing yourself hard.
    For some years I enjoyed my old CCM one-speed bike to go downtown in our little village.
    I pray that God will be present mightily in your life.

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