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Psalm 19:1-4 – The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. (NIV)
As we chatted on the phone, my sister told me about a spectacular rainbow she had seen the other day. It was huge and was in the field right alongside the road where she was driving. She said that she could see both ends of the arc and that the colours were so vivid that she could do nothing but stare in awe.
At the same time, just a short distance away, running parallel to the secondary road that she was travelling on, hundreds of vehicles were barrelling along a major highway, oblivious to the marvellous sight just a few hundred feet away.
As she recounted this story to me, I could not help but think of how so often I, too, much like the highway drivers, succumb to what I term tunnel vision. I become so engrossed in my own life, my own problems, my own desires, and my own thoughts. I am so busy barrelling dead ahead at top speed that I miss the glory of God's loving presence right here beside me.
According to today's verses from Psalm 19, the rainbow of God's presence surrounds us constantly. So today, as each of us travels along our own highway of life, going about our daily chores and jobs — as is only right and good — let us seek to be conscious not only of our own personal world but also of the created world which declares the glory of God and the splendour of His everlasting presence with us. Let's endeavour this day not to miss the rainbow!
Prayer: Father God, thank You for the created world that declares Your glory and proclaims the work of Your hands. Help us this day to look up and see the splendour of Your presence with us amidst the ordinariness of the daily tasks at hand. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.
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So true Lynne. Thanks for the reminder.
Great to have your contribution today. Very uplifting. Keep writing.
As may be the case with many who read this feature on a daily basis, we neglect to acknowledge our gratitude for those like you who are inspired to pass along their thoughts. You and we are truly blessed and we thank God for that.
Excellent Lynne. I expect your “inbox” will be inundated with replies of “I can totally identify with your devotional today”.
You are truly blessed with the ability to speak to the masses on their level through Daily.
Thank you for your beautiful devotional this morning. Is that where the phrase “Take time to smell the roses” comes from? You are so right in what you say. God’s wonderful masterpieces are everywhere. We only need to take some time and look and behold and of course give thanks.
What a wonderful devotional Lynn! It was a timely one for me as I was just reading the same Scripture quoted in the book: “The Four Blood Moons” by John Hagee.
As always, your message was an inspiration.
Hope all is well with you, Mary and all the fur babies.
Dear Lynne
Thanks, Lynne, for sharing with us a superb Bible Message verbally coined in beautiful poetry. There must be scores of Bible parts, that are as beautifully written, which escape our notice. I look forward to sharing some, in the near future, should I chance on them.
Please continue to inspire readers of PresbyCan devotionals with more messages of such quality!
Dear Lynne,
Thank you for your reminder to us to look and see the glory of God:
Help us this day to look up and see the splendour of Your presence with us amidst the ordinariness of the daily tasks at hand. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.
I was reminded too of “the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor.3:6).
Keep writing.