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John 8:12 – Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (NKJV)
With the book entitled Red Moon Rising, the authors, Pete Greig and Dave Roberts, make reference to a rising full moon known as a harvest moon, as seen by people in the northern hemisphere in the autumn. In their book, they recount the growth and "harvest" resulting from the "24-7 Prayer" movement which began in the latter part of 1999. "24-7 Prayer" begins when a community of Christians sets up a place, called a Prayer Room, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, where individuals commit to go and pray for one-hour shifts. Communities worldwide have set up Prayer Rooms for a week or a month, and some Prayer Rooms have never closed.
While I am not yet a member of a community which keeps a Prayer Room, I did adopt in my personal prayer time one centuries-old approach to prayer encouraged by "24-7 Prayer" called "the Prayer of Examen", developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). The person at prayer deliberately recollects the events of the previous 24 hours, expresses gratitude to God, and notices the Lord's presence in the memories.
One day as I did Examen, I recalled Jesus saying, "I am the light of the world", with the very exciting associated thought that His statement is recorded in John's gospel just after the account of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus as the light of the world expressed unconditional love and a very different perception and evaluation of the woman from the one communicated by the crowd which brought her to Him.
For me, a daily Examen is an intentional invitation for the light of the world to show me His evaluation of my memories. Forgiving is easier now because Examen allows me to look at upsetting wrongs in a kinder, bigger, brighter light. Hope rises faster because troubles surrounded by the light of Christ lose their associated fears and gain loving possibilities.
Another benefit of Examen prayer is learning that I do not have to wait to connect with the light of the world once every 24 hours. I can seek His presence at any moment, just by taking a breath to express gratitude to God for His unconditional love and mercy.
May I recommend that you try doing a daily Prayer of Examen for 30 days and see what you find?
Prayer: Father in heaven, in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, we ask for the light of life in ever-increasing measures. Amen.
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Wonderful advice Pat.
An inspired idea. This would help those people who lie awake at night as well. That time would be wisely used in prayer. Thank you. Blessings.
Dear Pat, I like that — breath of gratitude. What an awesome way to live!
I will share this email with my friends.
I am not familiar with the concepts you have stated so well.
Is it written somewhere?
Good devotional.
I will try to do it for 30 days. I need to be more positive. I usually
focus on my failures at the end of the day.
Dear Pat,
Thank you for the devotional.
We are asked to “pray without ceasing.” May we remain in the Spirit of prayer.
I pray for all who write devotionals. “Dear Lord, please keep giving the writers new ideas in relation to your word.” Amen.
Keep writing.
Dear Pat,
After reading your devotional, I looked up some information regarding perpetual prayer groups around the world and it’s a fascinating movement for the times we’re living in. I will look for the book you mentioned. Examen prayer sounds like a great way to end each day. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Pat,
This has really been a time of deep contemplation for me and your devotional was therefor very interesting to me.
I see churches declining in membership and the one common denominator is the decline and even the disappearance of the prayer meeting. However in the town I live in the churches that are thriving are the ones with several prayer groups meeting regularly. Hence your point is well taken.
Thanks to the prayers of my friends I am well on the way to recovery after surgery.
God bless you Pat.
Dear Pat: Thanks. The persecuted protestant refugees who had fled from Bohemia and Moravia to Saxony, started an hourly rotation “Prayer Watch” in 1727 which continued non-stop for more than 100 years. Bickering stopped and revival began. They began the missionary movement around the world. The Wesleys were in their first ship across the Atlantic and greatly moved. They became discouraged in their missionary work in America so returned to England. After worshipping with the Unity of Brethren (Moravians), they were inspired to write glorious hymns, and then started mobile preaching to the poor. Moravians built small industrial schools called choirs. They encouraged members to join Lutheran, Anglican and other denominations and only build a church if there was none nearby. They held midweek meetings called BruderGemine, and still do in Europe, the West Indies and many countries. In 1728 Moravian “Daily Texts” which consisted of a Bible verse and a hymn, were circulated. They are published in many languages and widely used.
God Bless You Pat. Thank you.