A Glimpse Of Heaven

Saturday, November 2, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O That Will Be Glory"1 (Lyrics)

Revelation 4:8b – Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come! (NKJV)

Just think how much more pleasant the world would be if we really thought about what heaven is like, and what we will be doing after we arrive there. The Bible tells us what will happen to those who do not go to heaven, but also gives to us who love the Lord a glimpse of what we will see, do, and eat in heaven. What an exciting and glorious time that will be! Just think about spending forever with our precious Lord. It's really hard for me to fathom … to close my eyes and imagine for a few minutes what heaven will be.

A few years ago when I was a beginning quilter, I was sitting in church as our pastor was teaching a series on Revelation. When he read from Revelation 4, I saw a quilt unfolding with an awesome scene. I felt as if I were bowed low at the feet of our Saviour sitting on the throne, with the four creatures flying around and the twenty-four elders sitting with robes of white and crowns of gold, and all in heaven were saying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." There was an emerald rainbow encircling the throne. And the One who sat on the throne was like jasper and carnelian. Flashes of lightning and thunder came from the throne. And there were seven blazing lamps and a crystal sea before the throne.

That sounds like a lot of things happening. But when I think of this passage, I like to close my eyes and envision God sitting on His throne, and all I can do is fall on my face to worship my God and Saviour. I cannot actually see Him, because He radiates such immense, brilliant light, but I know He is there, and I can feel His perfect love for me. My heart bursts with joy!

Revelation 4:11 – You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. (NIV)

Yes, every time I think of that Scripture, I get carried away.

After arguing with God during the message, telling God that I was just a beginner quilter and that I had to have a pattern, God won and told me to make the quilt — one step at a time. As our minister read Revelation 4, I saw exactly how God wanted this quilt. I undertook the task of making this quilt. A year and a half later, the quilt was completed. It was a struggle for me most of the way, but in the end, it was certainly worth the effort. God's promises always come true! We just have to be willing vessels.

Prayer: Precious heavenly Father, we pray that You will help us always to do what You ask us to do, and that we will be willing vessels. Thank You for the promise of heaven and for allowing us to spend eternity with You. Holy, holy, holy is Your name. Amen.

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About the author:

Gloria Coffey <gjmcquilts@yahoo.com>
Princeton, West Virginia, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good word for today Gloria.

    Do you have a pic of the quilt?

    Good word for today Gloria.

    Thank you Gloria and congratulations on persevering and completing in what I’m sure is a very beautiful quilt.

    Did you take pictures of the quilt. I would love to see it if you did.

    I’m inspired by your faithfulness and God’s guidance. It would be lovely to see the finished quilt.

    Thank you for the very meaningful devotion. I too am a quilter. Would love to see a picture of your quilt! God bless!

    How wonderful would it be to see the finished quilt. How wonderful that you were inspired to make such a quilt. It has to be beautiful. God Bless.

    Is it possible to see a picture of the quilt you made. I have a dear friend who is 89 and still quilts by hand. I’m sure she’d love to see it and so would I. Thank you.

    I would love to see a picture of your quilt. I am able to knit but prefer crocheting.
    Thanks for your message.
    (IA, USA)

    Dear Gloria,
    Do you have a picture of your quilt that you can email to me?
    Thank you.

    Dear Gloria,
    Thank you for giving us a glimpse of holiness.
    Keep writing.

    Gloria: thanks for your devotional. No doubt you will get many requests like this. Do you have a photo of the quilt posted anywhere?

    Dear Gloria!
    Would you please send me a picture of your quilt?
    Thank YOU for writing to us. What an awesome one and one half journey to “heaven” you took in obedience to the “call” of the Holy Spirit!

    Do you have a picture of the quilt? As you wrote you note I could not but think about how you may have arranged the setting. That sound like a glorious scene!

    Dear Gloria,
    Thank you for this convincing devotional. You did describe the Throne Room as if you observed it with your own eyes. Is there any way we can see a picture of the quilt?
    With admiration for your gift of visualizing a heavenly vision.

    Hi Gloria. I just finished reading your message in the daily devotional and I am also a quilter having been taught years ago by my wife of almost 60 years. I would love to see your quilt and wonder if there is some way you can post it on one of the many sites available to us, or just send me a picture. Quilting for the Lord.

    Dear Gloria,
    What a great revelation you had! I have a dear friend who is a quilter. I have enjoyed admiring her quilts over the years; I know long they take to make. Where is the quilt? Have you taken a picture? I would love to see it if you have one you can send with email. I loved going through the Heavenly experience with you. Keep writing. The Lord bless you.
    (California, USA)

    Thanks for your inspiring devotional. There is a lady in our bible study group, a born committee-woman and very active in our presbytery, who is sure that when she gets to heaven, she will be able to sit back and relax and do nothing for eternity. I tell her, “No
    way!” I expect God to use me, to employ me with newly-given talents, and I expect to enjoy every blessedly-busy minute of it — and that she had better get used to seeing it that way also. Blessings to you.

    Dear Gloria:
    Obedience can be a hard thing. That sounds like an impossible quilt to make.
    I too am a quilter and would love to see a picture of your accomplishment.
    I certainly don’t plan on a copy though. We are currently quilting wall hangings for the sanctuary. We’ve done blue for Christmas, green for early spring, purple and now the white. I’ve forgotten the meaning of each color.

    Dear Gloria: I’d love to have a picture of your quilt. It is probably a collage of delightful glimpses of heaven. Did it resemble a grandma Moses painting? I have experienced many miracles and glimpses of heaven because many people prayed for the reunion and anniversary of settling near Edmonton. Many descendants came for worship and a potluck feast in the church. There was a tour of homesteads, cemeteries, one room schools and my childhood home. Praise God in the highest.

    Thank you Gloria,
    Father speaks to me in a similar way regarding poetry He gives me to write.

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