Blind Faith

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Face To Face With Christ My Saviour"1 (Lyrics)

2 Corinthians 8:7 – But just as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us — see that you also excel in this grace of giving. (NIV)

There's an old story told about a seamstress in nineteenth-century France who happened to be blind. One day, her church was trying to raise some money for a mission, and she handed over 20 francs. In those days, that was a lot of money, and her seamstress friends around her wondered how she could give so much to the church.

"What does it cost you," she asked them, "to pay for kerosene to light your lamps, so that you can work at night?"

"About 20 francs a year," they replied.

"Therefore, because I am blind," the seamstress explained, "the Lord saves me 20 francs per year. I want to give it back to Him, so that this mission can bring the light of the gospel to other lands."

It's a beautiful story and a reminder that even in these trying financial times, the Lord's work carries on throughout the world. As we each try to budget because of high gas prices and the soaring cost of food, let's not forget the blessings that God sustains us with each day. Even in the midst of an economic recession, God never holds back or diminishes His blessings to us. So let us all take this lesson to heart and make an intentional effort to excel in this grace of giving, even in these trying times.

Prayer: Lord God, if we take time to really look for them, we will discover wonderful blessings in each of our lives. We take so many of them for granted that we forget to truly thank You for all that You do for us. Thank You for Your lovingkindness, grace, and love. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Wonderful story John.

    Hi John
    I needed to hear that today. Thanks.

    Hi John,
    This was an excellent comparison and so true.

    This was another wonderful Devotional. You truly have a blessed gift. Thank you for sharing it so frequently with us.

    John, What a wonderful lesson in that wee story. Thank you for sharing it and your thoughts with us. Blessings.

    I just wanted to let you know that your devotional today touched my heart. It is so true that, if we pay attention, the Lord reveals Himself to us each and every day. Thank you.

    Thanks for your devotional this AM. Your reminder to give is important as I receive His blessings each day. God has blessed my family with a annual increase and we will increase or tithe accordingly.
    Thanks again,

    Thanks John,
    This is a good story for many sighted people to bear in mind as well. It goes into my file right away.
    A little over a year since my hip replacement went out of whack and now finally I am going to have surgery on Tuesday. I shall have the odd devotional to catch up on when, God willing, I get back.

    Hello John,
    Thank you for your simple, elegantly written, yet powerful message that appeared in PrebyCan today. Your message reminded me that I had run ahead ‘willy nilly’ (my mother’s favourite expression) having forgotten to thank God for an amazing answer to prayer.
    Interesting that God’s main currency includes thankfulness, as a method of repayment for He all has done for us.
    I always look forward to seeing your name appear at the bottom of a devotional, knowing it causes the Spirit to leap into my heart with instruction, edification, exhortation/encouragement, and sometimes with conviction.
    You have the same gift as another countryman of yours, and PresbyCan contributor, Rod Marshall, one that I value more than you either of you know.
    May God Bless your ‘heart and hide’ abundantly and surprisingly,
    (Alberta, Canada)

    I enjoyed your devotional for today.
    Indeed we all have blessings and I am learning that to be able to help my family is in its self a blessing.
    I am blessed with good kids and several grandchildren.
    I am able to help them out when necessary. I am blessed to be able to do so and thank FATHER that I can. My parents helped me through tough times so it is only natural I help my children.
    What FATHER shared though you I appreciate.
    My prayer for you:
    Dear FATHER, please continue to rain down blessings of health, happiness and prosperity on Pastor Stewart. Please fill him in abundance so that he will be able to share as his heart is lead via the HOLY SPIRIT.
    Thank you for sharing with us through this sincere heart of his.
    I give thanks to you for your sharing through him.
    In JESUS name I ask.
    Again Pastor Stewart, thank you for your devotionals past, present and the ones to come in the future. They have touched my heart and soul.
    (Texas, USA)

    Thank you John. Blessings.

    Wonderful John!

    Dear John:
    Your devotional reminds me of a recipe from our Church cook book and a fundraising incident during my time as an assistance scoutmaster.
    The recipe was on how to eat an elephant. The directions: one bite at a time.
    The fundraising goal was for each family to contribute the cost per Scout. A number of the family’s balked at amount claiming it was too much and hardship.
    However, if you apply the recipe for eating an elephant, it quickly becomes very doable. Reduced to a daily bite, it becomes less than $.25 cents per day or the equivalent of giving up one Starbucks (and the cheapest Starbucks at that) per week. Certainly this is a sacrifice we can all make, if indeed it even rises to the level of sacrifice.
    It also has the added benefit of lending itself to becoming a spiritual discipline, since each time we do without we remind ourselves why we are doing without and what our Faith expects from us.
    I cannot help but wonder how many of the seemingly insurmountable budget shortfalls, mission requirements etc. could be easily funded if reduced to one bite at a time, and how much we, as Christians, would gain if they were structured as a spiritual discipline.

    The act of giving!
    It takes a conscious effort to adapt such an act or else 1 will have a 1,000 reasons
    not to. I consider it as one of the gifts God aske us to bare.
    Stay Blessed.

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