A Spiritual Focus

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing"1 (Lyrics)

As people leave their churches and organized religion, what do they put in its place? I am noticing an increasing emphasis on spiritual things today. Even a secular magazine like The Readers Digest has an article this month called "Til Death Do Us Part", asking if there is a scientific possibility of immortality.

The search is still on for a spiritual focus in life … but outside of organized religion and the Bible's truth. Can a person receive spiritual truths without involving God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? There are many spiritual powers out there, masquerading as truth and deceiving people.

1 John 4:1 – Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (NIV)

The Bible reveals spiritual truths for us today, and for every generation:

1 Corinthians 2:13 – This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. (NIV)

What we need in every generation are words taught by the Spirit.

How does the Spirit affect our thinking, our speaking? I was sitting in my armchair this afternoon, hips hurting and my mind resting when it happened. Unbidden thoughts came into my mind about this devotional, and I went to the computer to type them out. The Spirit gave me these words to share with you and with all those looking for some spiritual input in their daily lives. The Spirit does reach us, filling us with good thoughts — God's love in action — now, today.

We all need to gather the spiritual realities that come each day from the Spirit of God, and listen to what God is saying to us. His words will be meaningful and hit home in a way that no other truths can do. God speaking with love is offering, through Jesus' Spirit, fantastic truths for today and tomorrow. We need to listen and share with our families the spiritual truths we have from God and how they speak volumes to everyone today. Are you listening? Do you hear God's voice? He is speaking to you and me right now. His message is personal, but makes tremendous sense as we listen with faith and trust.

Prayer: Lord, we are listening. Please speak Your words to us now as we open up to Your voice. We do believe in You and promise to find out as much as we can about Jesus, Your Son, Your voice on this earth through the Spirit. He is filling us with Your love as we read Scripture, pray, and listen, listen. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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About the author:

Iris Ford

1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Good words Iris.

    I’m with you all the way kiddo!!! Sure hard fighting old age yuk.

    Thanks, Iris, for inspiring and challenging us again, so beautifully.

    Thanks Iris. These are rich thoughts for today.

    Your devotional is very much appreciated today. God bless.

    Thank you Iris for the reminder. Have a blessed day and keep on writing.

    Thank you Iris.
    God’s Blessings to you and Dorothy.

    Thanks for reminding us where we get our strength to carry on with instructions on our help line. Prayers work every time. God bless all of us.

    Hi Iris,
    Another great devotional and just wanted to say thanks,

    It is a good devotion.
    Sadly a majority of people do not sit and listen for God to speak to them.
    We live on a short street. There are many children and not one of them attends Sunday School because their parents DO NOT attend any Church.

    Dear Madam,
    God bless you for the inspiration.
    Its really a matter of choice to remain thankful and grateful for all we are, have and will be.
    God be praised now and always.
    Thank You.

    Good Afternoon Iris:
    “Are you listening? Do you hear God’s voice? He is speaking to you and me right now. His message is personal, but makes tremendous sense as we listen with faith and trust.” – Beautiful words assuring us God is indeed nearer than hands and feet and closer than breathing and always there to sustain and guide us.
    A great message of assurance.

    Dear Iris,
    “We do believe in You and promise to find out as much as we can about Jesus, Your Son, Your voice on this earth through the Spirit. He is filling us with Your love as we read Scripture, pray, and listen, listen. Thank You, Lord. Amen.”
    Thank you for the above words of your prayer. They bring to a focus the whole very helpful devotional.
    I pray that God will continue to bless you with ideas.
    Keep writing.

    Hi Iris.
    What we should remember is that although people forsake the church God has not given up on people. His Spirit will always strive with man but once they are dead His spirit will no longer strive with man. I believe that that is what the statement means. Simpler than God has made salvation it cannot be made. All the fancy terms of focusing and trying to rationalize faith is bourn of pride. Salvation is a humble, simple act of accepting the Lord of life as Savior. There is no escape for neglecting that.
    Good devotional Iris.

    Dear Iris:
    You are so right about listening to God’s voice when he speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, which he does! It can often be a frightening experience (much like the Biblical encounters with the angels) because it is proof that God does indeed exist. He is aware of and interested in each of us as individuals which makes His message all the more important and perilous to ignore. Especially when the message is one that calls for us to do His Will rather than our will – a message the main line churches increasingly ignore in their quest to be inoffensive and acceptable. Herein lies the real source of its decline. In its quest to be acceptable and correct, the church has come to ignore all the “S words” that are at the core of its message and comprise the essence of Christian spirituality – souls, sin, salvation, servant hood, suffering.
    I have seen in my own congregation an unwillingness to ask anything of the members for fear of offending, upsetting or making them feel guilty in some, undefined way. How very contrary to the essence of Christianity which is based upon Christ’s supreme sacrifice for us and His call for us to be willing to sacrifice all for Him. The church is failing not because it is demanding too much of its members in these complicated times, but because it is not challenging them to live a life in Imitation of Christ.
    May Grace and Peace be with you always.

    I see that this is your last devotional. Thank you for your many devotionals that have inspired and encouraged.

    Thanks so very much for the devotionals. So many times, these have provided a much needed dose of hope and faith. I wish you all the best.

    Iris, I have so enjoyed the devotionals you have been guided by God to write to us. I will miss your writings, but God does have something special for you to do for Him. Keep in touch with the prayerline. God bless you.

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