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Listen while you read: "The Love Of God"1 (Lyrics) |
In the spring and early summer, my homing pigeons sit on eggs and have young ones. I have had pigeons for many years now, and every year, I marvel again at the wonder of how they look after their young ones.
Homing pigeons are amazing birds. They will fly home from as far away as 500 miles (800 kilometres), at speeds of up to 50 miles (80 kilometres) per hour. They were extensively used during the First and Second World Wars to deliver important messages. The hen will lay two eggs, and both the cock and the hen will sit on these eggs, the cock for 8 hours during the day and the hen for the other 16 hours. It takes 18 days for the eggs to hatch, and in 24 days, the fledglings are ready to leave the nest.
But the thing that amazes me, as well, is that both adult birds will cover their young with their body and wings, all the time when they first hatch, and later, only when it is cold. They seem to know when the little birds need their protection and when they don't.
And isn't that the way it is with us? Sometimes we struggle, mentally, physically, or spiritually, and then, the Lord will talk to us through His Word and comfort us, even when words fail us.
And that made me think of a couple of Scripture passages:
Psalm 36:7 – How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. (NKJV)
Psalm 63:7 – Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. (NKJV)
How precious is God's lovingkindness indeed! When we are in trouble, we can come to Him, and He will protect us. We can put our trust in Him.
But there were then, and there still are now, so many people who do not hear this message. Jesus often reprimanded the people for the things that they were doing wrong. He called the Pharisees hypocrites, blind guides, and fools, and He cried over Jerusalem:
Matthew 23:37 – O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! (NKJV)
The little pigeons depend on the protection of the parents and they will look after them when they need it. Just so, we depend upon God. He calls us through His Word, and He will gather us as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, there are so many times when we need Your protection: times when we are in distress, times when we have trouble expressing our inner thoughts to those closest to us or even to You. We pray, Lord, that You will give us the ability to speak to You, for we know that You will hear us. We offer this prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Good analogy Joel.
Beautiful Joel, Thank you.
Thank you for your inspiring devotional today.
Thank you Joel for the wonderful message in the Devotional today. It was uplifting and comforting spiritually. It was also very interesting to learn about the homing pigeon, well done.
Dear Joel:
Thank you for you wise words.
How do homing pigeons know where to go if they are being used to carry messages??
I enjoyed your meditation and especially about the pigeons as I have this pair of Doves that have born 3 sets of 2 babes and they too share duties and the timing is about the same These just left this week. 2 sets in 3 months.
God bless.
Joel – I loved your devotional which made me think of the hymn, “Under His Wings” by Ira Sankey.
Thank you for this writing. God bless you,
(California, USA)
This is so beautiful, and just what my precious daughter needs to hear right now. Thank you so much for taking time to express these things that we know are true but that we have trouble communicating to other people, even to those who know The Lord. This is so clear and so comforting. Thank you so very much.
Hello Joel, or is it Rev. Jongkind,
I really appreciate your devotional reminding me that I am ”Under His Wings”. I needed that reminder and am blessed beyond measure to know that security.
May God bless you.
Thank you for your devotional this morning, Joel. I have felt so empty and confused about how to pray about some difficulties. May God continue to bless you with the gift he has given you. He has blessed and lifted me up by your words and scriptures this morning.
Good Morning Joel:
I loved your devotional today. It was a message describing the love God has for His children and granting us the assurance He will always be there for us, covering us with His blessed wings, especially in our time of conflict, disappointment and loss.
Dear Joel,
Thank you for the devotional. It makes me think of the hymn, “Under His wings I am safely abiding, safely abiding forever.”
Precious to me are your scripture choice and your prayer.
I add my prayer: Lord, please open our stuck lips and move our tongues to speak of your great salvation through the love and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. Keep us remembering we are under your wings every moment. Keep our heads sticking up into your fresh air.
Keep writing.
Fascinating and remarkable how God has these birds survive. I just watched The March of the Penguins. Amazing.
Thanks for the scripture reminder. When we see how He cares for these little much more He cares for us!!!
Wonderful words …with a needed reminder.
Thank you for being FATHERS vessel.
May FATHER rain down blessings of health, happiness with prosperity.
(Texas USA)
Good Morning Joel:
I loved your devotional today. It was a message describing the love God has for His children and granting us the assurance He will always be there for us, covering us with His blessed wings, especially in our time of conflict, disappointment and loss.