Hummingbirds And Wasps

Saturday, August 10, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Worship The King"1 (Lyrics)

For a while this summer, we saw no hummingbird visitors at our feeder. We wondered whether, with more flowers in bloom, perhaps the "hummers" did not need the feeder. When my husband climbed the ladder to bring the feeder in to refill it, he found a wasps' nest tucked under the eaves just above the feeder. Hummingbirds avoid wasps. To our delight, within minutes of the wasps' nest disappearing and the refilled feeder going back in place, the hummingbirds returned!

When I watch the hummingbirds as they swoop, dip, sip, reverse, and then dart away, only to return again and again, it reminds me of how we need to feed daily on God's Word to us.

The wasps' nest reminds me of some of the pressures that may keep me away from feeding on God's Word. Here are Bible verses that I use to encourage myself to ignore the wasps' nests that lurk close to personal Bible reading time.

Any day when I dither about whether to make time to read a chapter from the Old Testament and a chapter from the New Testament, I recall this:

Proverbs 4:20-23 – My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (NLT)

Then I pick up my Bible and open it.

Just as Jesus is God's Word to us in the flesh, so the Bible is God's Word to us in print. I have come to believe that if I give low priority to personal Bible reading, I miss chances to meet with Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God's Son. I took decades to grow into this view, but now, I treasure personal Scripture reading time as a daily visit with the One who values my life even more than I do.

Jesus reminded us how important God's Word is when He said:

Luke 4:4b – Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (NKJV)

What about you? What priority do you put on personal Bible reading?

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word made human in Christ and for our Bibles, Your Word in print. May Your Word penetrate deep into our hearts, so that each of us may live the abundant life that Christ provides. We ask in the name of Jesus, our High Priest in heaven. Amen.

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About the author:

Pat Bell <>
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Pat.

    Thank you Pat.

    what a beautiful reminder. Thank you Pat

    Very inspiring Pat! That’s a great translation you quoted for Proverbs. I loved it.

    Pat, Thank you for painting such a wise picture in my heart. I will now use this Bible verse as well, for times when I get overwhelmed by busyness or distracted. Thank you, God Bless.

    Thank you for your beautiful words this morning. I and I am sure others need your reminder to put our time with GOD first. Blessings.

    Dear Pat,
    Thank you for an interesting illustration and the well-applied lessons from it.
    May God continue to bless, Pat, you with ideas for writing.

    Thank-you for that timely reminder! Recently I have been rushing my devotional reads and study time so I can get more things done around my home before I head off to work. I have missed days of even writing my thoughts down in regards to what I have read.
    God has sent his message through you in good timing. Thank-you.

    I had to reply to you, this morning! This past week, I had a hummingbird circle my head to get my attention and then land on a wire an arm’s length away, and chatter at me. Yesterday, I was badly stung while weeding, when I uprooted a wasp nest in the ground. Then, I opened today’s devotional from you! Do you think that God was trying to nudge me to read my Bible more? I certainly think that it is a possibility! Thank you for being His Voice today.

    Pat, I really enjoyed your devotional. These are two of my favourite scripture verses and your writing of this message is especially well done…inspired, I believe, by God’s Holy Spirit. I have enjoyed others you have written as well. I too believe and practice daily refilling with God’s guidance and grace. God bless you for your contributions to the refilling and refueling process. May He continue to inspire your writing.

    Such good advice, Pat. Reading my Bible is the first thing I do each day – when all is quiet and there are few distractions. I can’t wait to see what God is going to say to me each day through His Word. On the days that I miss my readings, I feel as if something is missing in my day. I am grateful that there are not many days like this. If we have to go out early in the morning I get up earlier to allow time for my devotions. I really enjoyed your illustration of the hummingbirds and the wasps. Be blessed and keep writing!

    Thanks for the devotional of today.
    Unfortunately we may not feed birds in our complex for fear the seeds that fall will bring rats. However the folks who live in a private house next door have two feeders and it is such a treat to watch. However the squirrels also find they can raid the feeder but a particularly loud noise from birds that not only hum but also know how to chase intruders from their feeder usually sends the on their way. May we as Christians be bold enough to make a noise when our faith is being threatened but intruders.

    Hi Pat.
    This devotional really impacted me for 2 reasons.
    I have just started making sure I began my day with the Lord, even before my breakfast which is very important to me, so I understand where you are coming from. It makes His Presence so real.
    The second reason is that I have just started writing my thoughts again.
    Your devotional confirms that this is the right topic for me to write about.
    So thanks for the inspiration and the confirmation.

    Thank you. Very moving…and this Texan needed a kick in his ‘reminder’.
    We are the fortunate ones who are given the choice to open our hearts to THE WORD of our FATHER, HIS son JESUS and have the HOLY SPIRIT guide us.
    (Texas, USA)

    I didn’t know that about wasps and hummers so your fresh analogy well presented the need for reading God’s word. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Blessings.

    Thank you so much for your words from the Bible reminding us to read The Word daily. I came to the end of the Bible not long ago but hadn’t picked it up again. Thanks to you, I will read a chapter from the Old Testament and One from the New Testament this time, instead of straight through. I love reading the Word of God too and really miss it.
    God Bless you!

    Thank you, Pat, for your very thoughtful reminder of the importance of reading God’s precious word.
    May He bless you richly.


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