The Fledgling

Sunday, July 14, 2013
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Psalm 84:3 – Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young — a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. (NIV)

In springtime, the birds in my area compete for nesting sites in my carport or in the rhododendron bush beside my house. Because my windows look directly into each place, I am afforded a bird's eye view of the goings-on. In no time at all, a pair of sparrows fluttered back and forth from their nest, shoving small insects and seeds into the beaks of their young.

Later this summer, I saw my dog furiously barking at a small brown blob in the grass. It turned out to be a fledgling sparrow. When I approached, I found that it was panting from fright. I scooped it into my hands and gently deposited it into my rhododendron bush, hopefully a safer place than in my grassy yard. Later that evening, I spied an identical fledgling hopping into my neighbour's rhododendron bush. It could have been the same baby bird or a sibling, but either way, a baby bird was safe.

This episode brought to mind the words of Jesus:

Matthew 10:29,31 – Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (NIV)

Jesus clearly states that God's oversight extends to the sparrows, but how much more does it include us! Just as I gently scooped up the baby bird and deposited it where it would be safe, I believe that God will do so much more for us. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, then we will find ourselves safely scooped up into God's almighty hands, forever safe.

However, God's safe haven might not always seem like one that we would pick, even as Christians. Our choice might simply be some place or thing that is familiar, but not all that eternally safe. God would rather have us to be eternally safe through Jesus than to be in places that we find comfortably familiar. If God notes the fluttering fall of a fledgling, won't God note when one of us falls into trouble by venturing out from under His protective wing?

Prayer: Father God, we know that familiar things may not be eternally safe. We seek eternal safety through abiding in Christ, for we pray in His name. Amen.

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About the author:

Cassandra Wessel <>
Tionesta, Pennsylvania, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Wonderful reminder Cass.

    Yet not one of them falls to the ground except by the will of the Father.
    How much more us. We are in the will of the Father. Amen!

    Dear Cass – Another beautiful devotional! The chorus of a hymn by Fanny Crosby comes to mind:
    Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast
    There by His love o’ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest.

    Hi Cassandra,
    One of my greatest consolations in life is that the same God that keeps an eye on a tiny sparrow has me constantly in His sights. And that is why I enjoyed your devotional so much this morning, with a wait of up to 2 months for the revision of my right hip replacement.
    God bless you for this devotional.

    Dear Cass,
    I knew by your title I was going to love this devotional! What a blessing to see up close the wonders of God’s creation – a bird’s eye view is the perfect choice of words. Your experience of the little fledgling reminded me of the three babies I found in my front yard this spring; unfortunately, they didn’t survive long enough to fly. I’ve been hoping to see more nestlings before the season is over, but so far nothing. In any case, I think birds are interesting creatures and they always bring to mind the Scriptures you mentioned.

    Dearest Cass!
    Thank you for writing about the gentle shelter of Almighty God. I am so glad you write to us through PresbyCan Daily.

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