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Matthew 6:33 – But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV)
With numerous dogs running about the place, I also have numerous water bowls spread about, and these numerous dogs, drinking from their numerous bowls, often leave numerous muddy footprints on the floor with all their slurping and lapping. And all these muddy footprints can at times nearly drive me to distraction. I fret and groan, and believe it or not, I can even slide into a regular temper tantrum as I mop and dry and mop and dry and mop and dry, only to have to mop and dry again.
One day, however, I was just too busy with other things to get frantic over muddy footprints in the dog room, and I learned something very valuable. If I just left the muddy prints for awhile, they dried up of their own accord and turned into sand which was easily swept away. Duhhh, I said to myself. All this fretting over something as silly as a bit of mud, when all I needed to do was leave it alone, and it would basically take care of itself.
My, oh my, and how often do we find ourselves fretting and sweating and stewing over everything from something as small as muddy footprints on the floor right on up to global warming, world recession, and the second coming of Christ. And yet as Jesus has said:
Matthew 6:27 – Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (NIV)
Mmmmm, now that's a truth worth thinking about, isn't it? And perhaps this might be another truth as well, even though Jesus didn't say it: Maybe if we took more time to pay attention to following the footprints of Jesus as they trail throughout the Scriptures, dispersing their wisdom along the way, we would discover that all our worries and concerns, like the muddy footprints on my floor, would simply fade away into a forgotten pile of old memories.
Prayer: Father God, forgive us for our worrying, fretting ways. Encourage our hearts and minds to follow the footprints of Jesus and His wisdom, that our trust will be wholly centred on You and not the muddy footprints of this world. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.
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A simple Amen will do.
This is so true. Thanks!
Thanks, Lynne, I needed to hear that this morning. Have a blessed day!
Lynne, thank you again Lynne. I like this and always need this reminder.
Great analogy! Thank you for the reminder. Although I do not have any dogs, I fret over other stuff.
Thanks for writing to us through PresbyCan Daily.
Thanks Lynne for yet another Inspirational Devotional and it certainly spoke to me as we tend to worry over frivolous matters.
We are doing a study at our church called “In the dust of the Rabbi” 5 faith lessons by Ray Vander Laan on discipleship and your devotional today struck a cord. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
Lynne – what a great answer to the mud problem, saving you the extra time and work! You came up with the perfect solution, both physically and spiritually.
Lynne, beautiful devotional and yes, I am a worrier. A good reminder for us all that God is our co-pilot and we need to trust the course set by the divine.
Keep writing.
Footprints of Jesus: following Him will keep us close to Him; not a bad idea!
As we stay close to Him, we will overcome all of the problems that come our way.
Thanks for the reminder, Lynne. God bless you this day.
Dear Lynne,
Thanks for your reminder to keep essentials in place.
Jesus sure made TRACKS. Lets keep ourselves following his footprints for his sake.
Keep writing.
Oh Lynne, thank you for your devotional. As I was trying to sleep last night, I was worrying about all that I need to accomplish this week and with no time for me, I realized that worrying is not helping me find serenity in Christ.
Your email just affirmed this for me, like a little nudge from God, through you.
God bless you.
Thanks Lynne for this reminder. Blessings.
Marvellous words. Thank you so much for the ‘shake up’. Blessings.
Good morning Lynne,
Lovely devotional. Indeed all our worries and cares come to naught in the light of His word. Thank you for reminding me.
I so appreciated your devotional. Just the reminder I needed! We hold onto so much that God has already cleared away for us. And having once had a Black Lab I know how the water gets slopped and the footprints get tracked, both with no malice thought, and both easily cleaned away.
Thanks Lynne.