Know Your Own Story

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Give Of Your Best To The Master"1 (Lyrics)

2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (NIV)

Many years ago when we had three young children, our family went to Storybook Gardens in London, Ontario, Canada. It was a lot of fun — until my five-year-old son, Jonathan, disappeared. He had been firmly told to stay close by us, but he forgot and wandered away, lured by the exciting attractions. As he meandered through Storybook Gardens, he came to the old woman who lived in a shoe who had so many children she didn't know what to do. He knew that he wasn't one of her children and didn't belong in that story! So he walked on. He saw old MacDonald's farm with the sheep, cows, and chickens. He knew that he wasn't an animal and didn't belong there! So he walked further. He passed the homes of the Three Little Pigs. He knew he didn't belong in that story either!

Meanwhile, I was getting worried. Then, I heard an announcement over the loud speaker: "Would the mother of Jonathan Eaton please come to the front office." What a relief! I was glad that he remembered who he was — and also who he was not. Thankfully, he got to the place where someone could help him find us. He knew that he would be welcomed back into his family even though he had strayed. We happily received him back, forgiven and loved as ever.

In a sense, we are all meandering through a giant Storybook Garden. Stories are being enacted around us all the time. Many stories arise from fear, anger, guilt, retaliation, and emptiness. They are stories of material accumulation and self-seeking ambition. Those kinds of stories are not meant to be ours. They are not the ones God calls people to live. Yet, they can easily lure us. God wants us to belong in His family, and take His story as our story — the kingdom of God. We must fervently seek to know this story. Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33a NKJV). If we know who we are and where we belong, we will also know where we do not belong.

When we lose sight of who we are in God's kingdom, we are prone to settle ourselves in the wrong stories. The good news is that there is always a way back. When we realize that we have become caught up in stories which are not meant to be ours, we can always turn our hearts toward home and once again seek our heavenly Father. He has promised to "hear from heaven" and receive us back — forgiven and loved as ever. That's God's story!

Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to see where we may have become caught up in the wrong stories. We trust You to receive us back to Yourself — where we belong, in Your grand story of redemption and hope. Amen.

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About the author:

Diane Eaton <>
Paisley, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you Diane.

    Wonderful reminder Diane.

    Dear Diane: Thank you and God bless!

    Thanks for writing to us by way of PresbyCan Daily.

    I know exactly what you were going through. It is truly amazing how many pictures of what if flash through the mind. Like your story, mine had a happy ending as well.

    we are thankful to you for your message. God bless you all.

    Very clever Diane, with a good story for all of us.
    Keep writing.

    Excellently written analogy about life and story book Gardens visit.
    Peace to you.

    Thanks, Diane,
    You tell the story of Storybook Gardens so well with the amazing truth that God always forgives and welcomes us back. What an awesome God we have!

    Thank you for this message. I can use this scenario easily for my children’s message at the chancel steps!
    (AL USA)

    Dear Diane Eaton,
    What a great story you have used to bring out the meaning you have culminated in your Prayer!
    Thank you.
    Keep writing.

    Thanks for the devotional Diane,
    It would appear that every family has a member who wanders off. I am thankful to God that the wanderings-off of our children were never from their faith though wanderings at fairs and worst of all the Ryksmuseum in Amsterdam, were quite frequent.

    Hi, Diane: Your meditation today is so very ‘right on’ that I can imagine myself using it, either for me or telling others about it. I used to visit the Gardens so I could picture it all. Bless Jonathan’s heart – 5 yrs. old is such a very precious age as they grow out of babyhood for sure. For me, that was when my son (now 51) lost his ‘chipmunk cheeks’ and became a little but growing boy.
    Thanks again.

    Thank you for your message. Blessings.

    Dear Diane,
    What a great illustration of being part of God’s forever family.

    Thanks for this Diane. Your devotional reminded me of a radio program we listened to every Sunday when I was growing up. It was called “The Greatest Story Ever Told” and it was a dramatic retelling of Bible stories. You reminded me about this. Thank you. Blessings.

    Hi Diane, Thank you for your meaningful analogy. I always find food for thought in your writing and learn something about my faith. I pray you will be able to continue writing. I enjoyed the series so much. May God Bless You.

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