Perfect Timing

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Holy Spirit Truth Divine"1 (Lyrics)

Acts 1:4b – Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised which you have heard me speak about. (NIV)

Have you ever been in a situation where everything seems to be falling apart? Perhaps you're there right now. You feel cast adrift, not knowing what is expected of you or just where life is going. You had been on course and then the winds of change occurred, and suddenly you are in uncharted waters, not sure of where you're heading or why or what you'll do when you get there. And amidst it all, God doesn't seem to be doing anything.

This is definitely how I have been feeling lately. Numerous changes and adjustments have been rocking the quiet little pond of my existence, and though I don't know where it is all going to lead, I do know that I don't like it, not one little bit. I want things back the way they were. I don't like these waves and what they may ultimately mean. And worst of all, there is nothing I can do about it … or is there? Hmm.

As the book of Acts begins, we find Jesus' disciples caught up in their own situation of change. Life as they knew it with Jesus had been washed away. For three years, they had lived and travelled and learned from Him. They had been part of an extraordinary time in history, and then it all changed. Jesus changed physically. Once He was alive and then He was dead, and now He was alive again, but different, and not with them in the same way, and there was nothing they could do about it either … or was there?

Jesus said to wait. "Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my Father promised."

And that is exactly what they did. They waited. They trusted. They obeyed. And when the time was right, on the day of Pentecost, all the good which God was planning for them fell into place.

Good falling into place. I like the sound of that, don't you? So today, amidst whatever waves may be rippling the ponds of our lives, just like the disciples, there really is something we can do about it.

We can wait. We can trust. We can obey. And in the fullness of time, we, too, shall receive the good gift that God has prepared for us.

Acts 1:8a – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. (NIV)

Prayer: Father God, bless us this day with trust, obedience, and hope to wait for Your perfect timing amidst the circumstances of our lives. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Wonderful reminder Lynne. Thanks.

    Lynne – I needed that message today. Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you. I needed the word today — wait-trust-obey.

    We are rocking here too Lynn—I guess we should all be saying “Rock On!! in trust!!

    Dear Lynne,
    I will pray and wait with you.

    Dear Lynne: Perfect timing for your message this morning. You wrote it especially for me.

    I thank God for your message and that of another devotional today. They both spoke the same message which I desperately needed. I too am experiencing “waves”. God bless.

    Lynne, thank you for sharing today. This is very true and we know it is. Wait and trust God and all wil be great for us. We never need to doubt that God is working everything out for our good. My prayers are with you.

    What an inspiring devotion, Lynne! I am an impatient person and I, too, am going through tremendous changes.
    I needed this. Thanks for writing advice at this time that I can use.

    Thank you Lynne.
    May you feel God’s presence with you as you go through this unsettling time in your life.
    God Bless and be with you.

    Lynne – this was a wonderful Pentecost reminder of the Holy Spirit’s power to change our sorrows into joy!
    Thank you for sharing these thoughts.

    Again Lynne, you nailed it for me. Thank you. I’m at this place right now, in God’s waiting room, even though I press on with my commitments and obligations.
    I always enjoy your devotionals.
    (BC Canada)

    Hi Lynn.
    Perfect timing on the subject of waiting. At least for me. I’m looking for some answers.
    The church used to be the centre of my life. However, I find very little fellowship in this place.
    I have been given this wonderful gift of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and I am waiting for His direction.

    Thank you so much for today’s devotional. Like many times in the recent past you have been an encouragement.
    I kept telling my friends and church family I didn’t know what the future held for us but I did know who held our future. Today it is possible for me attend both service this A.M. Who ever said our God isn’t a awesome God? I pray your unsettled future will be the same. If we trust Him with every thing He be gracious to bless us.

    How wonderful and overwhelming the scriptures speak to every time and place we find ourselves in when old age creeps upon us. Living beyond the years of our grands and great grands is to suddenly be in unknown territory, but God has put directions in place for that experience and today as 80 years looms close by, I am experiencing the joy of old age, and the many ways of God in ALWAYS being there. Thanks for all your devotions that are certainly based on God’s Word. Keep on using your special gift of expressing thoughts on the scripture.

    Dear Lynne!
    Caught up in unwanted changes. So familiar for my small boat too.
    You touched a string of memories.
    To be still before the LORD waiting patiently for Him is something we do and is best for us.
    God’s power and healing to your stormy pond in Jesus name.
    I like to believe as always: This too shall pass.
    Rejoice through it all! I will pray for you!

    Good day Lynne
    You would never know how your beautiful devotion spoke to me today. I have recently left my wife of 59 years daily in a Long Term Care facility. That is tough enough but added is that the facility is a forty minute drive from home. My life it seems has been totally turned upside down. Thank God for the words, thoughts and scripture that you gave to me today.
    I know it is only through a complete faith and commitment to Him and to remember that He will answer all “In His Time” as the song goes can we make it through.
    God Bless you and please keep writing.

    I just read your devotional and a similar one sent on May 15th, both about loss. With me it was four deaths over several months. I also learned that the body and back pack of another relative, who had been missing for several months had just been found.
    Yes they are in a far better place, yet I am in tears and feel exhausted. Some other relatives are seriously ill. Being in church and singing in the choir helped. E-mails from my daughter and some grandchildren helped. Though messages were brief, what they said was a timely blessing.

    Well said Lynne. God’s good falling into place. I like that thought. Blessings.

    I can always spot your devotionals as I read the first paragraph. They are outstanding and full of wisdom.

    Thanks Lynne for a beautiful and thought provoking devotional.
    I shall be praying for you as we too have been experiencing the storms of life.
    Thankfully God is good and we have the assurance that He will never leave or forsake us.
    Blessings, prayers and big hugs…we all need one on occasion!!

    How wonderful and overwhelming the scriptures speak to every time and place we find ourselves in when old age creeps upon us. Living beyond the years of our grands and great grands is to suddenly be in unknown territory, but God has put directions in place for that experience and today as 80 years looms close by, I am experiencing the joy of old age, and the many ways of God in ALWAYS being there. Thanks for all your devotions that are certainly based on God’s Word. Keep on using your special gift of expressing thoughts on the scripture.

    Lynne, my best friend died recently. The loss feels very deep. Having moved often my other friends are new, and old friends are far away without a phone or e-mail.

    Hi Lynne:
    I have followed with interest your writings for the past couple of years and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate them. Keep up the good work!

    Lynne: This devotional really spoke to me. I have felt that I was in a long black tunnel.
    My husband is suffering from dementia but rejecting any assistance or help. I do have someone from mental health coming in regularly to see me but the entire situation has been overwhelming.
    I also have health issues and am very fortunate that after extensive testing, the results were “no cancer”. Praise the Lord.
    To say that my plate has been full is an understatement but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a wonderful church family and many friends and really my children are wonderful with what has been happening.
    God is there for me and your devotional is just one of the concrete ways. I thank you for such a clear devotional that is helping.

    Hi Lynne – It’s not a hard thing to relate to, and the message really is one of encouragement and hope. There are times when I have said or done something that isn’t good, that causes pain and breaks relationships, and then there isn’t anything I can do to bring things back to where they were. Mind you, I think that The Lord may have had to wake me up to the fact that things weren’t exactly what I thought they were. I’ve apologized and asked for forgiveness but to no response.
    Whatever things are undergoing changes or upgrades in your own life, may The Lord be with you and whoever else is part of it, in ways that you can’t even imagine, to bring about some transformation that you (or I) haven’t even imagined as a result of the changes. He really has, and does, bring some kind of good out of things that don’t appear to have any redeeming qualities.
    Thank you for your lesson – that “waiting, trusting and obeying” are action verbs, and are the foundational materials of our lives. Having gone back to your reflection, I’m glad to say that it is even more meaningful than when I first read it. God bless.

    The first thing I thought as I read your devotional was; “Join the club”. As I read on the words “Trust and Obey” came alive. I’m so thankful for the devotionals that always seem to point me in the right direction, and I’m thankful that for the gifted people that God is using to bring to us the inspiring messages.

    Dear Lynne,
    This devotional reminds me of the words, “Wait, I say on the Lord. Wait patiently for him and he will bring it to pass (XXX).”
    But I haven’t found this in any Bible Concordance I have, so maybe I just think there is such a quotation in the Bible. Anyway, it is good theology! I found a number that could be put together to have this meaning.
    I especially liked your scripture, prayer, and the following:
    We can wait. We can trust. We can obey. And in the fullness of time, we, too, shall receive the good gift that God has prepared for us.

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