The Wood Fairy

Friday, May 10, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind"1 (Lyrics)

Galatians 6:9-10 – Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (NIV)

Cutting, hauling and stacking wood is a large part of our lifestyle in northern British Columbia, Canada. It is simply a fact of life. If we want to stay warm in the winter, we must work hard in the summer and get the wood in. As much as we appreciate the fact that we have the strength and energy to do this hard work, and that this task keeps us in good physical shape, there are days when we groan at the very thought of unsheathing the chain saw and hauling out the wood wagon. So you can imagine what a thrill it was for us when we arrived home from work one evening to discover that a cord and a half of wood that we had had delivered the day before had all been neatly cut and was just waiting for us to haul it to the wood shed.

"Look!" my daughter said, as she pointed at the sight. "The wood fairy has been here!" This kind act by the Anglican pastor's husband reminded me of today's Scripture. Cutting wood for someone is not a glorious task, one which puts a person in the limelight to receive applause and slaps on the back of acknowledgement from others. It is simply hard work that makes a person physically weary. And yet, such a humble and simple act of kindness is the work and will of God.

Today, as God's children, let us look for opportunity to do good to all people, as the occasion arises. Let us not be cynical, lazy, or weary in our desire and efforts to obey our Lord. For no matter how inglorious a kind act toward another may seem to us, such tasks are indeed opportunities to share the radiant beams of Christ-like love to the world around us.

Prayer: Father God, open our hearts and eyes to recognize and grasp this day the opportunities You set before us to do good to others. Grant us the strength and grace to perform these acts of kindness with humility and love, even when those we seek to bless may turn a blind eye or give no acknowledgment to our efforts. May we never grow weary of doing good for Christ's sake, that others might see and know the living Lord within us. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen and amen!!!!

    So true Lynne. Living in the warm South, I wish I could see some of that cold weather.

    Thank you Lynne for writing today’s devotional. May God continue to Bless and guide your writing. Amen

    Lynne – I enjoyed this message. If everyone followed your neighbor’s example, the world would be a better place.

    Amen! Beautiful devotional, as always.
    Thank you, Lynne.

    Another good one and reinforcement for us to keep on keeping.
    Keep writing.

    Having the experience of laying in wood for the winter, I truly appreciated this devotional. Thanks for a peek at one instance of God’s loving kindness that well serves us as an example for others. Blessings.

    Thanks for spurring us on. The perfect message for a weary warrior.

    Dear Lynne,
    What a wonderful story of blessing, almost beyond measure, was your receipt of that blessed act of kindness bestowed upon you and your daughter! May we each have an opportunity to help someone today.
    Assist us Lord to follow through with joyful hearts. Thanks for leading us in worship today.

    Dear Lynne: I want our forests to flourish and not be cut down. Indigenous species are rapidly dying and invasive species like pine beetles are speeding up the destruction of God’s creation. Our obigations to God as stewards are seriously misunderstood and disobeyed. I therefore looked up the location of Atlin in my atlas and found it up in the far northwest of BC near Alaska and Yukon. What can you and I do? I live in southern BC where air pollution hid our wonderful mountain views yesterday and made a majority of us cough, sneeze, feel dizzy and/or wheeze. Please pray for all of us and all our forests. Pray for solar energy and geothermal heating ang cooling to become affordable for everyone.

    Hi Lynne
    I just want to thank you for the devotional this morning. When I drove to work my hearts prayer with the Lord was to bless, to do good and that He would give me ideas and ways to bless those I work with. (the word…a kind word turns away wrath was ever present on my mind)
    So I sat, opened my computer, and remembered I had not read the devotional. I was encouraged greatly by your devotional and see God continually reminding me that I hear him and that His heart for us is to know we are loved by him and to Love others…to seek out ways to bless (out of the lime light)
    Thank you and may the Lord encourage you today. May He show you that you listen and hear and that you are His favorite one.

    Hi Lynne,
    Last year my cousin took down a bunch of old tree limbs. They were all laying on the ground and my brother asked if he could have them for firewood. My cousin agreed. I was sent to rent a chainsaw. I brought the chainsaw to my brother and cousin and they took turns chopping up the wood. They made it look easy so I asked if I could try. After cutting a few branches I was totally exhausted (having a heart condition doesn’t help.) My brother and cousin (who are in great physical shape) continued until the job was done. At the end they were exhausted as well. After I caught my breath I helped them load the wood (one piece at a time) into the back of the van.
    When you speak about chopping wood being tiring, I can understand from experience. But there was satisfaction in seeing the work complete and my brother having wood for his wood-burning heat source (kinda like a pot belly stove, without the stove) which helps his family save money on running the furnace so much. My cousin also, was happy to see his backyard cleaned up of the branches laying around.
    It was a great opportunity to help others and spread God’s love, even though it cost some physical energy and exhaustion.
    I think of 1 Chronicles 21:22-24 where King David wanted to buy at full price a threshing floor from Araunah to be used to set up an alter to the LORD. Araunah said that David could have it for free but David insisted on paying for it. King David said something that is very true even today. In verse 21 he says, “But King David replied to Aranunah, “No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not take for the LORD what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing.”
    It’s easy to say but difficult to live out.

    Thanks for your reminder of how we should put into actions to show Christian actions to others. All types of humble work is important.
    My sister told me to watch for your devotionals. You are a talent, keep up the good work.
    (TX USA)

    Good one.

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