The Way Of Life

Saturday, April 13, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Fight The Good Fight"1 (Lyrics)

Proverbs 14:30 – A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. (NIV)

Don't you just hate it when it appears that evil has won at the game of life? The guilty party gets off on a technicality; the person always causing problems on the board refuses to step down, which leads to the loss of good leaders; the liar is believed, and the innocent are punished; the dictator continues to get his way, as hundreds of thousands continue to suffer; the shyster pulls off the perfect con at the expense of the elderly. All of these examples and many more make it very clear that life is absolutely not fair nor just, even for the Christian. So what do we do when we find that we have been beaten at the game of life, when in our hearts we know that we should have won the round, but instead, God has allowed us to be pinned to the mat? This is the question which challenged me not long ago, and this is the answer which came through prayer.

We keep on trusting that God is in control — that's what we do. We remember that this life isn't about winning or losing; it's about trusting the goodness of God's purpose for our life amidst the battles of this world. In Christ's name, we put fact over feeling and forgive those who have used, mistreated, and trod upon us, for forgiveness may not right the wrong, but it does right our hearts, as inner turmoil, sorrow, confusion, frustration, envy, hatred, and anger are replaced with inner peace. Jesus said,

John 16:33 – I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (NIV)

Today, the world may win in regard to our life's circumstances, but who will win in regards to our trust: circumstances or God?

The choice is ours.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that we can trust in the goodness of Your purpose for our life amidst whatever comes our way. Though life is unfair, unjust, and even cruel, You are none of these things. Your justice, mercy, and love are eternal and can be counted on to turn our turmoil into peace and our darkness into light, through Christ Jesus our Lord, in Whose name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good reminder Lynne.

    Good as always Lynne, Thank you.

    Amen to your prayer Lynne. Blessings.

    Very good message for all of us. Keep writing.

    Well said, Lynne. May the peace of Christ be with you always.

    Lynne, this is very good! Thank you for sharing with us and it is always good to have you share.

    I was thinking abut the same things today Lynn, the unjustice of it all…but then you ..and God showed up!!

    This devotional was perfect for me this day! Thanks, Lynne.

    Thank you for reminding us not to worry about every little things, keep going and trust Jesus to take care of our concerns.

    Dear Lynne: Thank you for this devotional today. It seemed so appropriate for what is going on in a nephew’s life (he is a new Christian) that I am sending it on to him to encourage him. Blessings.

    Great message Lynne – one I believe we can all relate too. This life is so unfair yet we know God’s plan for us will always lead to good.

    Thanks Lynne for an excellent and inspirational Devotional. We all have similar experiences in life, however, God is good all the time.
    Blessings and again I express grateful appreciation for all of your meaningful Devotionals.

    Loved your devotional.
    Very true.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Dear Lynne –
    “…forgiveness may not right the wrong, but it does right our hearts, as inner turmoil, sorrow, confusion, frustration, envy, hatred, and anger are replaced with inner peace.” Yes, this the secret of a life of peace.
    Thank you for spelling this out for us.

    Hello: I want to say that as you talked about the world being unfair, it reminded me of something I either heard or read sometime ago. It went something like this. “You don’t want fairness! If God were fair, you’d be judged. You want mercy. God gave you mercy. Don’t ask Him for fairness”
    Keep up the good work. I enjoy the devotionals.
    God bless you.

    Thanks Lynne,
    I also have a hard time reconciling myself to injustice but my lawyer so always assures me that “Justice is ultimate.”
    Everything has to be accounted for in time.

    Well said. It can be discouraging and tiring to always take the high road in this life, but as Christians (made in Christ’s image) it is what we are called to do. During trying times in my own childhood my mother always reminded me that “anyone can get through the wide gate”. It never made me feel any better about things but it did remind me to keep looking at the bigger picture and trust in God’s plan for my life. Trusting God through thick and thin; a timeless message of hope. Thanks for the encouraging message and timely reminder.

    Good morning Lynne:
    We keep on trusting that God is in control – that’s what we do. We remember that this life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about trusting the goodness of God’s purpose for our life amidst the battles of this world. In Christ’s name, we put fact over feeling and forgive those who have used, mistreated, and trod upon us, for forgiveness may not right the wrong, but it does right our hearts, as inner turmoil, sorrow, confusion, frustration, envy, hatred, and anger are replaced with inner peace.
    That’s true, but so often it’s difficult – for some it may seem impossible. Yet, if even one person benefits from your words, your devotional has done its job.

    Dear Lynne!
    What a coincident – I read another devotional touching the same you did.
    Assuring me that God’s will is seemingly upside down at times for our lives. But comes out right in His plan. Sorrow into joy. Pain to healing. Wrong to right. Abuse to strength. Forgiveness to peace. Double portion of evil to hundred blessing. Ending in God’s heaven.
    Thanks be to God for His benefits to us.
    Thank you Lynne for writing THE WAY OF LIFE.

    Good morning Lynne:
    We keep on trusting that God is in control – that’s what we do. We remember that this life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about trusting the goodness of God’s purpose for our life amidst the battles of this world. In Christ’s name, we put fact over feeling and forgive those who have used, mistreated, and trod upon us, for forgiveness may not right the wrong, but it does right our hearts, as inner turmoil, sorrow, confusion, frustration, envy, hatred, and anger are replaced with inner peace.
    That’s true, but so often it’s difficult – for some it may seem impossible. Yet, if even one person benefits from your words, your devotional has done its job.

    Thank you for a sensible and Godly devotional.
    Along with your chosen scriptures, this fits my circumstances:
    We keep on trusting that God is in control – that’s what we do. We remember that this life isn’t about winning or losing; it’s about trusting the goodness of God’s purpose for our life amidst the battles of this world. In Christ’s name, we put fact over feeling and forgive those who have used, mistreated, and trod upon us, for forgiveness may not right the wrong, but it does right our hearts, as inner turmoil, sorrow, confusion, frustration, envy, hatred, and anger are replaced with inner peace. Jesus said,
    I pray that God will continue to guide you in writing more devotionals.

    Hello Lynne,
    Thank you so much for the insightful devotional…and so true. We held a healing service at our church last night and so often the brokenness that people bring is because of hurts due to injustice, not physical pain.
    Many blessings to you.

    Dear Lynne,
    This is a thought for going through tribulations!
    I turn to Psalm 66:8-12
    Bless our God, O peoples;
    let the sound of his praise be heard,
    9 who has kept our soul among the living
    and has not let our feet slip.
    10 For you, O God, have tested us;
    you have tried us as silver is tried.
    11 You brought us into the net;
    you laid a crushing burden on our backs;
    12 you let men ride over our heads;
    we went through fire and through water;
    yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.
    I have found this to be true and trustworthy!

    Amen Lynne: Thank you for that reminder.

    Lynne: You have been appointed a messenger from God, to Him we give thanks for the encouragement, and blessings given to us. We pray that God’s love, Mercy and grace be upon us all and that He will continue to invest you in His word.

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