Do The Stones Need To Shout?

Sunday, March 24, 2013
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Listen while you read: "Ride On Ride On In Majesty"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 19:37-39 – Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying: "'Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples." (NKJV)

Apart from Easter, no day on the Christian calendar is so blatantly joyous as Palm Sunday. As we picture the scene, we see Jesus seated on a young donkey, entering Jerusalem in the traditional way of a king coming in peace. He was greeted by crowds of His followers, spreading their garments in the way, waving palm branches, and shouting praises to almighty God. However, the Pharisees were upset that Jesus did not disapprove of this, and willingly received the worship of the crowds, which should be offered only to God.

Luke 19:40 – But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." (NKJV)

I have always wondered how Jesus would have expected the stones to shout His praise. But recently, through watching nature specials on television, I have come to realize how the many wonders of our natural surroundings attest to the glory of God. As Christians, we believe that God not only created the world but also sustains it in existence moment by moment. Is that not a stupendous undertaking? That means that every rock, stone, pebble, and grain of sand in the universe is maintained in its shape and physical properties — over centuries, if need be — even though no one is there watching. Scientists tell us that even the hardest rock is composed of innumerable atoms with electrons whizzing around, but mostly empty space. Why then is it so hard and heavy? How does it maintain its shape and resist us when we try to break it? Why don't the electrons bite us when we pick the stone up?

I have come to the conclusion that this world is composed of an infinite array of such marvels, far more than even many Christians are willing to recognize as openly displaying (or shouting!) the glory of God.

But should the stones need to shout? When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time, He was on His way to the cross, to pay the penalty of death for the sins of humankind — for yours and mine. When we receive the forgiveness He bought for us, He sets us free from the power of sin. When in Christ we see His glorious resurrection and victory over the power of death, we no longer need to fear death, for He grants us the peace that passes understanding. And when we look forward to His imminent return, we have hope for the future, in eternity with Him. Such thoughts should fill our hearts with such praise bubbling over at our lips that the stones will not need to shout!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, today is truly a day of joy! We have read the end of the book, and we know that You win — and in You, we win also. Fill our lips with such praise that Your glory in the stones is pure gravy! Amen.

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About the author:

Robin Ross <>
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Wonderful thoughts Robin.

    This is so thought provoking! Love it.

    Thanks for the reminder that all creation shouts God’s praises. Blessings.

    Thank you again for yet another wonderful and inspiring devotional.

    Hi Robin, Nice to read a devotional by your good self. It is great to have things explained so well for us.
    God bless.

    Robin, this is awesome and I enjoyed it very much. I want to thank you for sharing with us today. It means a lot to myself and others and this was great. Thank you. May you have a Blessed and joyous Happy Easter.

    Thank you so much, this really spoke to me. I have often wondered about how the stones would cry out and this give me more to think about. I just always thought, with God all things are possible, so it could happen. Happy Palm Sunday.

    Robin – you have portrayed a joyous, triumphal entry into Jerusalem by our Lord.
    Thank you for leading us in this direction – a look at the Savior as our leader as we enter into this Holy week. May God’s blessing be upon as all.

    Good morning, Robin: You are right.
    Our world is full of marvellous creatures and much yet to explore!
    Just looking at the stars, Grand Canyon, space shuttle leave Cape Canaveral etc.
    Leave me speechless!
    Blessings in Christ.

    AMEN!!! Robin;
    Oh how wonderful,
    Oh how marvelous
    Is our Saviour’s love!
    I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

    Thank you Robin for this wonderful Palm Sunday message! I enjoyed it very much. It reminded me of the Scripture in Colossians 1:16-17 which tells us that in Christ “all things hold together.” Indeed, all creation shouts His praise!
    A very interesting devotional. I’m going to pass it along to others.
    Best wishes for Easter and many blessings always to you and yours.

    Good Morning Robin:
    Another inspiring and concrete message of depth and interest describing the authority of He who created and cares for the universe and all that is maintained within.
    Many thanks.
    Have a nice weekend and a blessed Easter.

    Dear Robin,
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for today’s Devotional.
    I have been to the Holy Land twice and it has changed me somehow. Every Christmas Eve I see the shepherds in my mind’s eye on the hills near Bethlehem. On Good Friday I am at Golgatha and on Easter Sunday I look into the empty tomb, but not until today have I visualized the excited cheering crowds as they welcomed Jesus riding a colt on his way to Jerusalem. Your words have brought the scene into clear focus and it will remain there for the rest on my life.
    You do not often write for for the Web Page but when you do you touch the readers in a special way.
    Thank you again.

    Dear Robin
    This passage is the same one our Bible study read last week. We also talked about the stones crying out but I gave the pastors and the other participants another explanation for the stones. Joe Amaral, the commentator and writer of ‘First Century Foundations’ said that at Christ’s time and also at present, the path that leads to Jerusalem through the Kidron Valley has at the right side numerous tombs or grave ‘stones’. (I saw them myself when I was in Israel). These graves stones are most likely the ‘stones’ Jesus was referring to. In Matt. 27:52, it was declared that many tombs [graves] opened up and many holy people were raised to life and appeared to many people after Jesus’ resurrection [probably praised Jesus then too]. It doesn’t make a lot of difference which stones he was referring to but I thought this interpretation was interesting enough to pass on to you.
    I appreciate your inspired devotionals. May you continue to be faithful in your writing gift.

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