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Listen while you read: "Come To The Saviour"1 (Lyrics) |
She walked into the room and said, "Dad, I just asked Jesus into my heart," then turned and left.
I was excited and confused — excited about her decision but confused over how she came to such a conclusion. She had heard me preach about it and teachers teach it. She had watched me model the life of a Jesus follower, but I had never talked to her. She was only a child — too young to make that decision.
Follow-up was in order, so I made my way to her room for discussion — one she dominated. She believed that Jesus was God's Son who died on a cross for her sins. She knew that she was a sinner and had told God so. She had asked for forgiveness, and now, she wanted to be baptized and join the church.
The following Sunday, she proudly walked alone down the aisle, took my hand, told me what she wanted to do, and then did it.
It must have been something about Jesus that attracted children and moms, so much so, that the disciples felt it their duty to tell them not to bother Him.
Matthew 19:14 – But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (KJV)
Jesus loved everyone, but maybe it was the children's example that He wanted others to witness. Childlike faith is simple and strong. Unanswerable questions are permissible. Everything doesn't have to make sense. Promises are taken at face value. What parents and the Bible say, they trust. If dad says, "I'll catch you", they believe it.
Childlike is how we must come. The kingdom of God consists of people who believe things that scientific methods can't prove: a God capable of hearing everyone's prayers simultaneously, a God everywhere at the same time, a God who loves and wants to forgive, and a God who actually lives in a place called heaven and wants others to live there too.
Reasoning is important but won't get us to God. Faith is vitally necessary, and childlike faith is the proper kind.
Prayer: Merciful Lord, may our faith be as simple as the child's, so that our approach to You will be unhindered. Amen.
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Beautiful message, Martin. Thank you.
Thank you Martin!
Thank You Jesus for loving the child in us! Amen!
Thanks Martin – very simple yet deeply profound.
Many blessings to you and yours.
A great devotional. I never had the priviledge of baptizing my children as they were baptized long before I went into the ministry.
Martin, this is awesome and I enjoyed what you shared very much. Thank you and let’s practice always to have childlike faith in the Lord.
Thanks for an excellent message and beautiful prayer.
Thank you for showing us just how simple it really is to come to Jesus, just as we are, with simple childlike faith. “Out of the mouths of babes” as they say – we can learn so much from the little children.
Happy Easter!
Thank you! I came back to Jesus after reading a very similar article some 20 years ago. There is a business acronym called the KISS principle. ‘Keep it simple, stupid’. It makes it so easy to be a follower when you don’t
‘have’ to know everything.
Well said, indeed! Perhaps their simple faith and understanding is why I have remained ‘stuck’ in children’s ministries all these years. I’m quite sure of it.
Martin – Thanks for sharing this story. Childlike faith is the only way to trust and come to God.
Your child must have also believed in what you had said and how you have showed That you trust in Him.
Your example was so very important. May God continue to bless you.
Dear Martin:
I know it is hard to believe that a child understands our faith, but I did.
I was a new believer at 5 and knew I belonged. I’m now a great-gran and still belong. Your devotional explains the ease of acceptance.
Thank you.
Thank you Martin for sharing a wonderful experience with us all. It is an experience that far too few parents can hope for today with every possible distraction from church and God taking place on Sunday. North American promoters have managed to garner Sunday for their own with the result that the children very rarely come under the sound of the Gospel. I looked with sorrow at my files of preparation for my Bible classes of yesteryear. What does God think about thousands of people neglecting their worship in favour of watching a man hitting a ball a running in a circle and for that they forego their eternal salvation.That is actually what it boils down to. What will they have to say before the great white throne? The mind boggles. So we pray and make sure we pray because that is the first option and not the last resort.
Dear Martin Wiles,
Thank you for your devotional:
Childlike is how we must come. The kingdom of God consists of people who believe things that scientific methods can’t prove: a God capable of hearing everyone’s prayers simultaneously, a God everywhere at the same time, a God who loves and wants to forgive, and a God who actually lives in a place called heaven and wants others to live there too.
Yes, and too, our experiences fit remarkably with faith.
I enjoyed your little girl. I pray for her that she will go on and on growing in her beloved Savior’s care and direction.
And I pray that God will continue to bless you and yours.
Keep writing.
What a precious memory for you both!!
Good morning, Martin. Child like faith is so precious!
Blessings in Christ.
Hi Martin;
It is good to read you writings. I really enjoy what you have put together, and it seems like you add a bit of “heart” to the message. I pray for strength that only our Father through the Holy Spirit can give to you and all the Saints that you gather with.
Good Morning Martin: A glorious message describing a day of triumph for your daughter and indeed a day of great rejoicing for you, her dad, who I know wanted his little darling to have the wonderful gift of eternal life and enjoy the peace of God forever. Thank you for sharing her wonderful experience with us. We as Christian parents realize the joy and peace of mind that becomes part of our every day life when we know our children are walking in the footsteps of their Lord and will enjoy His fellowship forever. The best gift they could ever receive. God bless you both.