Sunday Buns — A Labour Of Love

Saturday, March 16, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I'm Not Ashamed To Own My Lord"1 (Lyrics)

John 6:51 – I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. (NIV)

Water, salt, sugar, oil, flour, and yeast. It's bread! Well, it could be!

Most Saturdays, you will find my wife making buns for our church lunch on Sunday. She has done this for years now. They are delicious.

But what goes into them? People have asked for her recipe, but she says she doesn't have one, that it is whatever she throws in. But I've watched. She uses pretty much the same thing and the same amount every time. So let me share how I see them being made.


About a 1/4 bowl of water: holds it together and gives it moisture.
Pinch of salt: gotta have salt; be kinda flat without it.
Two handfuls of sugar: important ingredient; makes it taste better.
Two large squirts of oil: keeps the stuff from sticking to the pan.
One handful of yeast: makes it light and fluffy.
Twice as much flour as water: gives it bulk.

But just having the ingredients isn't enough. It has to be put together and then worked.


Here's what I see happening to make it into something good. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, continually adding flour until it can't be stirred. Add a bit more flour, flipping it around in the bowl until mixed. Cover with a towel and let it rise until it is falling out of the bowl. Punch it with your fists until it fits down in the bowl. Cover it with the towel again until it rises and starts falling out of the bowl again. Dump some more flour on the counter. Throw the dough around in the flour on the counter for a bit, then break off little pieces. Take a piece in one hand, and using the fingers of the other hand, try to pull the outside and stuff it into its middle. When you have a nice round ball, put it on a cookie sheet. Repeat till all the pieces are round balls on the cookie sheet. Cover them with the towel again until they rise and are ready to fall off the cookie sheet. Put them in the oven till brown.


Share the buns! Why else make so many?

For Christians, it is the same thing. We have the ingredients, but we still have to put them together and work them into something useful.


Heart for God: open and willing.
Salvation: knowing Jesus, not just about Him.
Bible: it's the recipe book.
Prayer: helps us understand the recipe.
People to share with.


Here is what I see happening to make us into something good. Mix the salvation, prayer, and Bible verses together. Read the Bible and pray a lot, then read some more. Take the verses to heart. You might feel like you're getting rolled around, punched, flattened out, and cut to bits. It's called being worked! Then rise up to the challenge; pray for divine appointments.


Share the faith!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for sending us Jesus, the Bread of Life. We know that just knowing about Him is not enough and that a personal relationship with Him becomes more real when we share Him with others. Help us to put our faith in Him into active service. Help us share this bread with the world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Alec Niemi <>
Harrison Mills, British Columbia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Alec for a good word.

    Love it. Thank you for this analogy and powerful message, Alec.

    Enjoyed your original devotion. Thanks for writing it. Blessings.

    Loved this devotional.. so much like my Granny taught me to make bread.. and wise as well!

    Alec, this is awesome and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing this with us today.

    That is sooo goood. As a baker I enjoyed it and how you worked the dough and faith together. Thanks for sharing.

    Perfect, Alec. Thank you,

    Thank you for this unique devotional this morning Alec!
    Easter Blessings to you and your loved ones, especially the one who so lovingly makes and shares those buns which inspired you to write.

    Dear Alex,
    Thank you for a more than parallel bread of life. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.”
    Keep writing.

    Good morning, Alec: Thank you for your word of encouragement this morning.
    Indeed we are fed by the “Bread of life!”
    Blessings on you and yours.

    Alec: Thanks for the great devotional. After reading it in the quiet while the rest of our crew were still sleeping (a minor miracle, as my wife and I are full time caregivers to our grandchildren) I read your name, and rejoiced in God’s timing, that the day your piece appeared should just happen to be St. Urho’s Day. Blessings to you, sir!
    A fellow Finn, even though my name doesn’t sound like it.

    Very creative and effective; you two make a dynamic duo! God bless your wife for lovingly and faithfully nourishing her family’s body, every Sunday, with freshly baked bread – a family completely fed; mind, body, and soul.
    Thank you for sharing a devotional filled with ingredients that tease the mind and satisfy the heart. A wonderfully layered and rich message.

    Good Morning Alec:
    I loved your message especially your recipe for the Christian and his lifestyle.
    Thank you for reminding us to have a great open and willing heart, the blessing of knowing Jesus personally and reading His Word regularly and, of course, a lot of Prayer in our lives before we are truly ready to share our lifestyle each day with the People we know and love.
    A great, great devotional making us aware of the fact we must be consistent and devoted and work hard with all the proper ingredients our Lord provides in order to make our life a true example for Christ.

    What an exceptional analogy Alec!
    And only this morning I was reading of the meal offerings that the priests got to eat during the time of Moses. And being a lover of buns I really wished I was in your church to guzzle my “fair share” of those delicious buns. The elephants in British zoos, according to their children’s reading books, used to eat buns, And how I fain would have loved to be an elephant there.
    I thank you for sharing the spiritual recipe with use. Brings to mind the old Chorus:
    “I am feeding on the living bread
    I am drinking at the fountain head
    And whoso drinketh Jesus said
    Shall never never thirst again.”

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