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My desk lamp was not the best light for my purposes, yet I lived with it. Although the lamp was seemingly otherwise in good condition, I did not realize that I was being blinded by the silently harmful light. For years, I let it be my light, thinking that it was the best and ignoring the signals that something was not right.
One day, I had to check the leads to my computer and accidently pulled the lamp's wire so much that the lamp crashed down on the floor. I tried to make it stand up on the broken "limb", but it refused, and I had to toss it away as waste. It took me time to digest the accident till I decided to go and look for a new lamp. Without such a desk lamp, I would not be able to work at the computer at night. And since I have made it to the "lonely and alone" phase in my years (although I am not really lonely or alone, for the Lord is alongside me), I find the computer good company for my attempts to write.
I made a trip to a mall and found a lamp. It took me awhile to assemble it, but the more pieces I got in place, the more pleased I was. I knew I was seeing a different and better source of light as I set the lamp in place and turned it on. My eyes were happier in that light. I relaxed, enjoying the soothing rays on the keyboard. I work under the new light and thank God for it.
Spiritually speaking, many might be a living in the wrong light, blinded by illusion, and living life under false illumination that does not know God's light. For the blinding scales to be taken from our eyes to see God who created everything seen and unseen, I have to believe that God sends angels to place obstacles or mishaps in our way to divert us from the wrong paths.
Isaiah 42:16 – I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. (NIV)
2 Corinthians 4:6 – For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (NIV)
God is the one who reveals His light and His way to go. God is also waiting for us to take the steps towards Him. The breakthrough comes when any believe in Jesus, who said, "I am the light of the world!" (John 8:12) — the world that is running away from God in its sin. Jesus speaks of us all being in need of His light. Decisions, decisions … yes, we all have them! The most urgent decision is for our soul to find the saving light, tossing out all that has blinded us from spiritual light, and assembling together word by word and verse by verse God's Word for our salvation. Jesus saves a sinner with His dying and living again. We are not to treat the cross of Christ lightly, for His cross makes the difference for a sinner who otherwise is heading headfirst to eternal damnation.
It follows then that those who have seen God's light need to live as befits Him.
Ephesians 5:8-11 – For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (NIV)
Prayer: God of light, please make Your light shine in our hearts so that we shall reflect Your great and saving light to a dying world. We stand before You in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Amen Kirsti.
Thanks, Kirsti! You are right!
Your spiritual light is shining too — I can see it!
Thank you for “sharing the light” with us today, Kirsti.
God be with you always.
Hello, Mrs. Sipila!
Great to read your writing. Thanks for the devotional.
Thank you Kirsti for sharing this With us. I truly related and so appreciate the analogy and the lesson. Blessings.
Kirsti, thank you. This is awesome and I enjoyed it very much. Happy Easter and may the peace of the Lord continue to be with you.
Kirsti – Thanks for sharing His light with me today. God has us in His view always as we seek to serve Him.
God continue to bless you.
Thank you for writing devotionals. I appreciate what you share from your heart. Amen to your prayer!
A big: amen sister!
Welcome Kirsti, to the club of desk lamp victims.
I always check the recycle bin in our complex for things to sell on our S.P.C.A. jumble sales. Once I found a lamp that needed only a circle of heavy cardboard underneath replaced. The S.P.C.A. got a donation but I kept the lamp which has had two near disastrous falls and two expert repairs. Your devotional was therefore doubly of interest to me. It is amazing the lessons such mundane things can teach us. Light and good eye glasses are essential in our “years”.
Thank you.
Thank you for your devotional today. Often because of the dark places God leads me I question His leading. He then casts or is The light on the road ahead to show me to not doubt or be afraid. I feel this is how He teaches me. I was in darkness before I committed my life to Christ over 30 years ago. I have often laughed about the date as it is the day and night before All Hallows Eve. Many times over the years I have wondered why me and why Oct. 30. I came from disbelief to being a believer who totally trusts my Saviour. On the other hand my husband of almost 50 years grew up in a strong believing family bound in traditional religious family who lived in Russia until the family escaped in 1926 first to England and then by ship to Canada. My grandparents came from England where they had servants to Sask. where they homesteaded. Quite a change.
Dear Kirsti Sipila,
Thank you very much for the devotional. I appreciate your meaningful comments accompanied by well-chosen scripture.
I pray God will keep you writing,