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In the early 1960s, we lived in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada, and we attended a small Baptist church. One Sunday, we had a guest speaker from England. He and his wife had come to the area through the Wycliffe Bible Translators, and they were going to live among a group of native people to learn their language and to translate the book of Mark.
He told us that he had been plodding along at some job or other, and he was not happy. Somehow, he heard about the plight of many people who had no Bibles and the shortage of people to go to these places. He then told us that he had read this verse from Isaiah 6, and it spoke to his heart:
Isaiah 6:8 – Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." (NKJV)
But we can't all be translators of the Bible, and we can't all be ministers of the gospel in the literal sense of the word, but there are so many other things which need to be done to keep our churches going. On Sunday, January 6th, there was an announcement in our order of service which said the following:
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. A calendar has been posted on the bulletin board to sign up for the days that you can commit to shovel the church entrances. Also check other areas of need: offering counters, Scripture readers, greeters, and coffee hour hosts.
There are people who serve on boards and committees, who sing in the choir, and preach sermons, and pay the bills, and do the accounting, who do repairs, and maintain the facilities. And there are those who type the bulletins, and play the organ, and teach Sunday School, and take up the collection, and cut grass, and shovel snow, and welcome people, and clean flower beds, and organize potluck suppers, and clean the kitchen, and the list goes on and on. And to some extent, we all heard the (paraphrased) question: "Whom shall I send, and who will do this?" And we all said, "Here am I! I'll do that."
And those of us who cannot physically do the things which need to be done can pray for the work of the Church.
One day there was a bookmark in a library book with a poem on it by Sandra Goodwin, called Traveling on my Knees.
- Last night I took a journey to a land across the seas.
I did not go by boat or plane, I traveled on my knees.
I saw so many people there in deepest depths of sin,
But Jesus told me I should go, that there were souls to win.
But I said, "Lord, I cannot go and work with such as these."
He answered quickly, "Yes you can, by traveling on your knees."
He said, "You pray, I'll meet the need. You call and I will hear.
Be concerned about lost souls, of those both far and near.
And so I tried it, knelt in prayer, gave up some hours of ease.
I felt the Lord right by my side, while traveling on my knees.
As I prayed on, I saw souls saved and twisted bodies healed,
I saw God's workers' strength renewed, while labouring in the field.
I said, "Yes, Lord, I have a job, my desire: Thy will to please.
I can go and heed Thy call, by traveling on my knees.
Prayer: Father in heaven, we know that there is so much work to be done to bring the good news to all people, and we pray that You will give us the strength and the ability to do Your work. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Thanks Joel for a good reminder.
Thank you for sharing this uplifting word. Blessings.
Great piece – Well spoken!
Thank you.
Hello Joel,
It is so good to hear and read a devotion from you.
May our Heavenly Father keep you in his care.
Thanks for your truth filled message Joel.
It’s impossible to lose your footing, when you’re travelling on your knees!
Good morning, Joel. I agree also.
When I go to bed at night, by the time I pray through my prayer list, it is time to get up.
We are surrounded by needy people. It seems endless, our missionary friends, friends, relatives and needy neighbours!
Blessings on you and yours.
Thank you very much; I am going to forward the poem on to the group I have here in my area.
God speed,
To you sir I must say that I needed to read this devotion. Thank You for probably knowing what we go through in our churches in Trinidad for the constant barriers we all face continuously.
I would share this devotion with my Local Board of my church.
Have a bless day and continue always to bless us with your inspirational meditation.
God Bless
Your devotion is a perfect example of what “church” should be – everyone doing his/her part. Thanks for reminding us of how important each “job” is in making the church work. Without any of the gifts mentioned we are not complete and can’t do the work of our Lord and Saviour – in the church and in a world that needs to hear the Good News. I especially like the poem – for who of us cannot find the time to travel on our knees. Blessings.
Dear Joel,
I am hoping that your devotional will rattle some chains among the passengers who do little or nothing in the church they attend, and have never hear the phrase, “Make time!” Room for business, room for pleasure. You know the hymn, “Have you any room for Jesus?” I make bold enough to say that no church can ever have too many volunteers. In our church soup kitchen we have an elderly lady who hangs over her walker while she peels potatoes.
Somehow it has become taken for granted that one has to be retired to volunteer. That is tommyrot!
I like devotionals like this one.
God bless.
Good Evening Joel:
What a beautiful message reminding us of the many little jobs there are to do in making our church a happy and workable mission for our Lord and how thankful we should be for the many members of our congregations who continue to serve Him in their own quiet way behind the scenes.
I was touched by your reminding us, even though some members have physical ailments and cannot work physically to assist in the growth of the church, they can, like you suggested, travel the world on their knees and come before the throne of God in prayer with thankful hearts for His blessings and prayers of deep concern for our loved ones and others, across the seas and the world, who are, sick, broken in body and spirit, and living outside the blessed assurance of having eternal life through the precious blood of the Lamb.
This was indeed a touching devotion, one that teaches us the power of prayer along with all the physical assistance, is so vital in our churches today.
I am reminded of the story Billy Graham once told about a lady who traveled all over the world following his crusade schedule but never once attended a crusade meeting. This lady remained in her hotel room and prayed continually for the souls of those who were attending the crusade meeting and did not know Christ as Savior. She did this for years before they finally heard about her beautiful dedication to his ministry. A prime example of One Who Traveling On Her Knees.
Thank you for this message of challenge and inspiration.