Creepy Things

Monday, February 25, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Let Us With A Gladsome Mind"1 (Lyrics)

So a person decides to be an entomologist and study creepy things. Or a doctor chooses to treat people's bottoms for a lifetime. A farmer hauls away waste product from his animals all the time and a stay-at-home mom wipes noses and bottoms. Why do people do these things?

They do them because as bad as every job seems, it also offers rewards. The doctor helps save lives. The farmer gets an income. Mom's kids soon start to care for themselves and become productive citizens. (I'm still working on the bug guy!)

A mom can spend her day moaning about dirty diapers or start a child on the way to self-living. If a farmer refuses to clean up after his cows, pigs, or chickens, they get sick, and he has no livelihood.

Right now, people introduce me as "Brenda — she just lost her husband" or "She is a recent widow." While that is true, I am also a Christ-follower, a writer, a speaker, a mom, an amma, and tons more. There are still positives in my life. I choose to concentrate on more than just my current life circumstances. Yes, I am a widow, but I choose to be a widow: Winning In Deed Over Woe.

"When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things: define the moment, or let the moment define you." (From the movie, Tin Cup)

One moment of our life does not define who we are. What we do with that moment does. After all, God is in that moment with us.

Psalm 57:2 – I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]! (AMP)

Prayer: Lord, help us to see past our noses to Your grace. For Christ's sake, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Dear Brenda: You are right!

    Good word for today Brenda.

    Excellent message, Brenda. Well done.

    An interesting definition of WIDOW.

    Thank you for the inspiration you have give me with your words!

    Your name seems so familiar, but it may be you’re a long-time contributor to PresbyCan Daily Devotional!

    Thank you for sharing. Bless you for your positive outlook and Christian viewpoint. Sympathy to you on your loss.

    Excellent devotion Brenda. May we all succeed in seeing the cup half full, even in life’s mots challenging moments.

    Well said!

    Wonderful message Brenda! I always enjoy your clever acronyms too.

    I prayed for you today, for God’s comfort and strength for the future He has for you.
    I really enjoy your devotional writings.

    Very good. And true. We are who we are, regardless of what comes are way.
    I like the way you put it in your devotional. Thank you and God Bless you.

    Hi Brenda:
    I read your devotions today and just felt I had to reach out.

    Keep writing.
    Blessings for this day.

    Very nice little devotional there Brenda,
    Thanks for the brief self-portrait. Now we know who you are… and the best part is that you are a follower of Christ.
    Good lass!

    Thanks for your devotion Brenda. For your openness and honesty. Blessings as you keep stepping forward in your life. Transitions are so challenging, but like you I believe that God’s plan for our life does not end as one part of our life, even big cherished parts, change…
    Instead he has new challenges/opportunities to be discovered.

    My sincere condolences to you Brenda on losing your husband. It is a real praise that you are using your circumstances to help others who have also lost a loved one. I am reticent to use the word lose because we have the assurance that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
    Please continue your inspiring Devotionals Brenda and in doing so may it help you with the grieving process.

    Thank you for writing. I find your generous devotionals poetic.
    God Most High does indeed perform on our behalf and bring to pass His purposes for us and surely completes them!

    You also have a great sense of humor! Please keep writing.
    Now, with St Paddy’s day coming up, here’s an Irish joke.
    For some people, the glass is half full, To others, the glass is half empty,
    but to the Irish, the words come “Are you going to drink that?! ”
    God make you laugh today,

    Nicely done!! Blessings.

    Brenda, Your devotional so spoke to me this morning as I read it. Yesterday was one of those days when one challenge followed another in close succession. Today when I read what your wrote, God’s grace spoke to my heart through your words. Bless you for writing. Thank you.

    Good Morning Brenda:
    A nice devotional encouraging us not to allow the current moment in our lives to define, who we are, regardless of what that moment may bring. Yet, as you know, when one is younger with less experience one does find it hard to move on and know if they place their trust in the Living God they will see the rainbow at the end of each rainy chapter in life, when trusting in the King of Kings..
    Your words “There are still positives in my life. I choose to concentrate on more than just my current life circumstances. Yes, I am a widow, but I choose to be a widow: Winning In Deed Over Woe, are words of challenge and bravery fortified because of your strong commitment and trust in your Lord. There are many folks do not have their feet as firmly grounded as we who have know Christ for many years and they do not realize “He is there and will see them through their trials and heartaches blessing them and comforting them through the good and bad times.
    I always love your messages and could go on with comments, however I will close in saying, well done Brenda. Have a blessed week and I know you will continue to Win In Deed Over Every Woe because of your trust in He who is the great creator.

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