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Luke 15:10 – In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. (NIV)
Every day, I do something wrong. I say the wrong thing or forget to do the right thing. I break a promise that I made or neglect an obligation I meant to fulfill. I break one of God's commandments or I deliberately go against Christ's Word. In short, I am a habitual sinner who needs to repent every single day.
When I'm made aware of my mistakes, I get defensive at first. I don't want to claim the sin as my own or take the blame for what is wrong. I'm just like a quarterback whom I watched recently on television who threw a terrible ball which his receiver could not catch. As he ran off the field, he looked to his coach, and I lip-read his words: "It wasn't me!" He didn't want to take ownership of his mistake, and unfortunately, his attitude permeated across the entire team. Needless to say, they lost the game.
After initially being defensive, I later realize that I've made a mistake and seek forgiveness for what I've done wrong. In the Bible, this process is called repentance, and it involves letting go of my pride by humbly asking for God's pardon. So long as I recognize that my sinful behaviour, misdeed, or mistake is wrong, I can repent. If ever I believe that my sinful behaviour is acceptable, then even God cannot help me, and His grace can never be applied to my life.
That's why there is a lot of rejoicing in heaven when a sinner truly repents and returns to God. The free-will choice to do as we please can be either a blessing or a curse. When we choose to repent, we are restored to God, and heaven rejoices; that's also when the beauty of God's grace can positively change our lives forever.
Questions for personal reflection:
- When have I ever truly repented before God?
Is there something that I am still reluctant to confess to Him?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we were created to worship God and enjoy Him forever. Sometimes, we worship our lifestyles and idolize our choices. Keep us from harming our souls, and prevent us from following spiritual paths that lead to dead ends. Help us to see the need to repent, and release us from our unconfessed sins. In Your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.
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Thanks for the good word John.
Thank you for the thoughtful words.
Well said, John. Amen. Blessings.
John, thank you for your inspirational words. They had special meaning for me.
We could all sign our names to your devotional. We need the emphasis to make absolutely sure we do repent. Thank you.
Good morning, John: You are right. We must confess all overt sin and those we unknowingly commit.
Our hearts are an open door to our souls!
Dear John Stuart,
Thank you for your devotional on repentance to, and forgiveness in, Jesus Christ. I had just read 1 John 1 before reading the devotional — and they fit together so perfectly.
Keep writing.
Good Evening Rev. Stuart:
Another fine message reminding us, even though we love our Lord and truly want to be a faithful servant in His sight, we do sin over and over again. But alas…We who love our Lord and have committed our lives to Him are washed by His Precious Blood and our sins are covered because of His forgiving grace forever. The Song, “Calvary Covers It All” tells the story and like you words revealed… “When we choose to repent, we are restored to God, and heaven rejoices; that’s also when the beauty of God’s grace can positively change our lives forever.”
I know your messages are truly a blessing to many and I want to thank you for the time you take from your busy life to present the truth of the Living God to me and many more who read your messages.