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The highway out of our development is being surfaced with a fresh coating of tar. However, it's just a thin layer, and when we drive along it, we still feel the same old bumps in the road. It looks good, but obviously, it's a quick and easy attempt to improve the appearance of the pavement and seal up the cracks.
I've noticed that in the church, there are those who prefer to have just a sprinkling of the Holy Spirit's anointing, like a top coating. They attend services on Sundays, chat with others about the latest ballgame or fashion, and go home saying that they feel good after being there. But when it comes to going deep with the Lord in personal devotions, Bible reading, prayer, and small group meetings, they say, "I'm just too busy." Perhaps even some of our readers feel like that.
When we respond that way, as a result, we experience only a shallow understanding of the Lord and His purposes for our lives. We can fool people with our life success stories and fancy dress, but when we experience a tragedy or harmful temptations in our lives, we often don't have that deep, abiding strength of the Lord to endure.
The apostle Paul wrote about being stuck on the basics of our faith, which seems to me just like having a top coating of spirituality.
Hebrews 5:12 – For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. (NKJV)
As far as our personal testimony is concerned, is the day we got saved all we can talk about, and very little about what God is currently doing in our lives? This indicates that we may have a shallow faith that isn't experiencing growth in our walk with the Lord.
The road out of our development needs to be dug up and new pavement put down, to get rid of all the bumps. We need to allow the Lord to do the same to us in a spiritual sense, and give us more than just a top coating to withstand the storms of life.
Prayer: O God, may we never be satisfied with just a top coating of Your Spirit, but experience a deep and abiding spiritual relationship with You. Take us past our salvation experience to a place of holy sanctification. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen.
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Thank you Allan.
Thanks for sharing Allan.
Thanks Allan for the reminder to go deeper in our Scripture studies, being unsatisfied with a “top coat.” Blessings.
Thanks for this timely devotion this morning- it really reinforces what the book I am presently reading is saying. The book is “Not a Fan” – emphasizing are you a fan or a follower of Jesus. Have you read it?
Have a blessed day!
Dear Allan Smith,
Yes, I pray with you for a real change-over for people in genuine acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior — not just for a top-coating.
Keep writing.
Very insightful devotional, Allan. Thank you. Sometimes, it seems as though I’ve been “patched over” many times, but the good news is that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Dear Allan,
Take it from me, some of us are just too busy and too old: really we are!
I would love to get out there, but by the time the day’s chores are done, and the children are in bed, I just sit down and count my blessings and go to bed.
Even if I wanted to, and I do, I am too tired. I used to go to worship group practice but found that I was too tired to play properly.
Still, I find time to read my Bible in bed when everyone else has gone to sleep.
I think I need a whole new road with extra lanes, not a just a touch up.
Thanks for the thought.
Dear Allan,
Just a quick note to encourage you in regards to what you have seen as you gathered with others. In John 3, Jesus, on a one on one basis, laid down all that was needed for Nicodemus in the way of salvation, just tweny one verses, from start to finish! Note that, as you read there are two endings that are very clear for the hearer to consider. That is why it was recorded, for all of mankind to consider today.
So now it is your turn to stand up for the need that you have seen. First, a renewing of understanding, as to how, and why, Jesus suffered. The agony and horror of His death. And the love that the Lamb of God showed for “Whosoever.” Yes, that is you, I and any that would but believe.
Hello, Allan:
Just read this devotional. Very well said thoughts about our daily need for communication with our Lord. We have the privilege of a beautiful friendship and we need to nurture it every day. I can’t have a good day till I’ve first met with the Lord. Then my day and my walk is assured. He is in control of whatever I meet on that day – and it is one day at a time. Thank you for the reminder of where my priorities need to be placed.
God Bless you.
Hi Allan:
I love your devotions.
Good Afternoon Allan:
Another message of great interest.
When I look deeply into my own heart I discover I too am sometimes guilty of wearing a coating of tar.
I loved this message. It gave me much to think about.
Thanks for sharing. This is a very good analogy for we can all relate to roads that are given a quick fix with a thin topcoat. When I drive or walk along one of these roads I will remember your comparison.