Who Is Azor?

Friday, February 1, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"1 (Lyrics)

Matthew 1:13-14 – Zerubbabel begot Abiud, Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor. Azor begot Zadok, Zadok begot Achim, Achim begot Eliud. (NKJV)

Who is Azor? Who are we? Who am I? Why am I here, and what am I supposed to accomplish while in this earthly body?

Have you ever wondered why God put all those begots in the Bible? And have you had trouble reading through all the begots? I certainly have. As I was reading my devotional today, I once again came to those begots, but this time was different. As I started reading through who begot whom, I wondered why these names were in the Bible.

We know who Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David were. Those are names that everyone recognizes. But who was Azor? And what has the Bible said about him?

The only time he is mentioned in the Bible is this once, telling us only who his father and son were. So why do you think it was important to put all these names in the Bible? One reason is that we will have an accurate lineage of where Jesus came from.

But also I was thinking that so many of us think our lives are not really that important. We aren't world-famous. We live everyday, ordinary lives. But we are important to God and His plan, just as Azor was. The only mention of Azor is in the genealogy — of Jesus! I wonder what our role in God's plan is. We may feel as if we are not important or really needed, but it takes all of us each doing our own part to complete God's plan. For some of us, it may be cleaning the church and being faithful to His house, while others are in the spotlight either singing or bringing the Word to a lost world. Just as our body parts have to work together to complete our whole person, so does the body of Christ. Each and every one of us has a part; all are equally important. We think our thumbs or big toes aren't very important, but have you ever tried to walk without your big toe, or write without your thumb?

Every one of us is important to Him and His plan, and He loves us equally! He died for all of us lost sinners, so never let us think that we are unimportant or that our part is not needed in His plan. His Word gives us many, many examples of unknown people who were so very important to His plan.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You so much for loving us and caring for us. We pray that Your will be done in our lives, and that we can understand Your plan for our lives. Help us through the seasons of life that You have for us, and remind us daily that You love and care for us. Please use us for Your honour and glory. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Gloria Coffey <gjmcquilts@yahoo.com>
Princeton, West Virginia, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Wonderful reminder Gloria.

    Thank-you Gloria for sharing this lovely devotional. Much appreciated!

    Thank you for your devotional messages, it is something I really rely on to shape my spiritual being.

    Thank you for reminding us that we all have a part in God’s plan. Even if no one else knows it. God does — and He’s the One who counts. Blessings.

    Thank you Gloria for this deeply moving devotional. It has put a glow in my heart. I really needed it this morning.

    What good thoughts, Gloria. Thank you. I often just rumbled through all those names … now they will have more meaning.

    Hello Gloria,
    Thank you for the important reminder in today’s devotional. Hope and pray that you will be inspired to write some more.

    Thank you for that insightful devotion today. I was trying to think how I could include everyone in our congregation in a brief opening to our annual meeting. I would like to be able to read your devotion to them. I would credit you of course. Thank you.

    Gloria my dear,
    I too have wrestled with the question of who all these begotters are in scripture and here you have given a very good explanation: Every one of us is important to Him and His plan, and He loves us equally! What more can we ask?
    But in glory it is certain you will meet Azor … and even meet me! Since we will be there forever we will meet. By God’s loving grace we shall!
    And that is what is important that we always keep the glorious goal in mind … we will see the face of Jesus who redeemed us.

    Dear Gloria,
    Thank you for a great devotional. I especially enjoyed:
    … it takes all of us each doing our own part to complete God’s plan. For some of us, it may be cleaning the church and being faithful to His house, while others are in the spotlight either singing or bringing the Word to a lost world. Just as our body parts have to work together to complete our whole person, so does the body of Christ. Each and every one of us has a part; all are equally important.
    Every one of us is important to Him and His plan, and He loves us equally! He died for all of us lost sinners, so never let us think that we are unimportant or that our part is not needed in His plan. His Word gives us many, many examples of unknown people who were so very important to His plan.
    And the prayer.
    Keep writing.

    Good Morning Gloria: Thank you for reminding us how important each one of is to our Heavenly Father. It is wonderful and so comforting that He loves each one of us equally regardless of our social or political standing and is there to welcome all who claim Him as Savior and Lord into a marvelous eternity with Him. God does not care “What kind of a home we live in.” He is more concerned that our door is open and our table furnished for anyone who comes that might be hungry or in need of spiritual guidance. This was a great message assuring us we are indeed all part of God’s wonderful plan and each step we take should be a step that glorifies Him in all we do and say. Thank you for the nice message.

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