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Psalm 16:2,7,8 – I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (NIV)
Try as I might, I was unable, for several days, to connect with the Internet. Ultimately, I had to call on someone who had previously solved my computer problems, someone whom I'd forgotten about. I wrote this poem about it.
- Despair's eroding presence
Was beginning to seize control
For nothing I tried could restore to life
This computer that was not whole.
Neither friend nor provider expert
Could resurrect what was dead
Until at last I remembered
A trustworthy restorer instead!
He referred me to High Speed Service
So I checked on that box so small
And he told me if lights were not shining
That I couldn't reach others at all!
So I picked up this key component
Flipped the switch which had not been on
And with the lights, all life then returned
When those directions I relied upon!
So many times, we wonder why our life is moving in the wrong direction, and no matter what we do, or whose counsel we seek, nothing seems to change for the better.
In those circumstances, if we would recover our joy and peace, it is wisdom indeed to call upon the one Person in whom we can trust, and who always has our best interests at heart. And that person is Jesus, King of kings, Lord of all!
Prayer: Father, Creator, loving God, we thank You for every blessing, known and unknown, past, present, and to come. We thank You for sending Your beloved Son, Jesus, to take upon Himself, on Calvary's bloodstained cross, our every sin! And we thank You, sweet Jesus, for shedding Your healing and restoring light on all of our lives when we but call Your blessed name. To You be the glory, now and forevermore. Amen and Amen.
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