Mountain Journey

Sunday, May 16, 2010
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Colossians 1:9-10 – Therefore, from the day we heard of it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. (CJB Complete Jewish Bible)

Through my family's and the church's prayers, and even after thirty years of daily study of God's Word, my spiritual journey in the Lord and my little knowledge of Him still seem to me rather like and ant climbing a huge mountain, though at a much slower pace than any of the very industrious ants I've seen.

I still feel I've only just begun to know Him. Not that I'm complaining, no, not at all — just the opposite; I'm amazed, even delighted, that as I continue on this relationship journey and knowledge of Him, it still feels excitingly new to me. I've been happy that there has always seemed so much higher to climb up this massive mountain in my quest for more knowledge of God. I am happy this has stayed the same.

When at the base of the climb, I saw so little, but tried so hard to scramble up higher and faster than I could credibly grow. I'd be constantly chattering, witnessing all the while to anyone who'd listen. I believed that what I'd learned everyone would want to hear. I was certain, full of energy, enthusiasm, and desire to gather others to join the climb in this quest for the ever-beautiful knowledge of my eternally loving Lord and Saviour.

Graciously, God didn't lock me up until I grew more mature in relationship with Him and grew more knowledgeable in Him. Looking back to that time, however, I do think maybe He should have.

At the foot of a mountain as we look up, it appears to be only half its true size, so we're unable to perceive how far we are away from the peak. Just climbing a little way up, we get some sense of the firmness, strength, and girth of the mountain's foundation. Standing more and more securely in God, we spiritually learn to love and appreciate His desired salvation for us, through our little knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ and His Word.

Yes, it is gloriously wonderful to become firmly established in the knowledge of God's forgiving, saving love, and to begin to see the valley, from which we climbed up gradually, being left beneath us. We can enjoy and celebrate the widening prospect, the sure knowledge that there is always more to know, to grow, as more of the old garments of past conduct, habits, thoughts, and words, can be dropped off and left behind us. Along the way, I have, and others may desire to have, funeral services of the death of needs and wants we no longer crave. We may celebrate that they've been replaced by love and longing for more of God and His ways.

As we grow in the love our Lord teaches us, we can rejoice in the knowledge that we have indeed, "just begun" to understand, to see, the ever more clear vista of our journeying lives in our Lord God. We can live in what is clearly here and around us, each day, each moment. We can begin to do God's will, for His pleasure, and our own development.

As well, when we cast our eyes in easterly, westerly, southerly, and northerly directions, we can view the bright, challenging future of the higher climb with greater enthusiastic energy, in the loving presence of our Master. Yes, as we continue our spiritual climb of this fascinating, eternal mountain of the knowledge of our Lord Jesus the Christ, there comes the all-glorious belief that eventually all we will see, all we will want to see, will be Him, our King of glory. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Oh, bless You, our Lord Christ, for this wonderful life's journey, which You sacrificed Yourself to give us, as well as our eternal life with You in Your perfectly glorious, holy home. Thank You for Your every purpose for us here on earth, but all praise, thanks, and worship that through Your holy love and all-powerful name, to You, we will, forever, come! Amen and Amen!

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About the author:

Rosemary Renninson
Westbury, Victoria, Australia

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