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Just one aspect of my renewed relationship with Jesus my Lord was that here was a perfect model whom I could rely on, depend on, love, trust, and believe in totally. I could follow our Lord Christ, and be guided higher and higher into all things true and right, and the very best for me. I believed this absolutely — and still do.
His word to us is full of examples for us to read about and be inspired by, as well as being loaded with promises, which it is possible to have fulfilled in our lives, and about which we should never, ever give up.
Matthew 7:7a – Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. (NLT)
Mark 9:23 – Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (NKJV)
When Jesus walked the earth, He saw all the suffering. He was not only moved emotionally with compassion, He was compassionately moved to touch, help, heal, and comfort the people who came to Him, who asked of Him. He met head-on the most difficult disease of this time — leprosy. But meet with it, compassionately cleansing and healing it, He did.
Matthew 8:2-3 – And behold, a leper came up to Him and, prostrating himself, worshiped Him, saying, Lord, if You are willing, You are able to cleanse me by curing me. And He reached out His hand and touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed by being cured. And instantly his leprosy was cured and cleansed. (AMP)
Note the sequence in this exchange: this leper sought Jesus, came to Him, honoured Him in reverent worship, and asked Him to cleanse him. Respecting the Lord's choice, he added, "If You are willing". Jesus then touched this sick, unclean man, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Instantly, the leprosy was cured and cleansed away!
No one could prevent this leprous man, with his believing heart, from coming to Jesus, asking of Jesus, because he believed Jesus could heal him. This ravaging, flesh-eating disease was tremendous, but as his determined, fervent, God-given belief was activated, human impossibilities had to yield.
Jesus today still sees all the earth's sufferings, including ours. He is still moved with the same compassion to touch, heal, help, and comfort those who come to Him and ask of Him. The more "grown up" I become, the more I love God's grace in giving, providing, and supplying all that is needed. I'm convinced that our Triune God is able to and wants to get us to this place: James 1:6a – "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting." (NKJV) If we ask in faith with no doubting, and if, as, and when God is willing, the diseases of this world will shrivel up and leave us.
I believe with all my heart that when we know we are close and free enough to ask and believe our divine cleansing Healer, it is possible to hear Him say, "I am willing. Be healed. Be cleansed. Be forgiven. Be changed. Be free!"
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for all the healings, cleansings, and forgiveness we witness in the Bible, in our churches, in our home gatherings, and in our families. Ah, yes, Jesus, Lord, thank You for mine. We love You: blessed, compassionate, healing, cleansing, forgiving Master. Amen and Amen!
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