During my devotional time one day, I came across a quotation which essentially said that God makes our neighbours. That thought intrigued me, because most of my life, I've assumed that my neighbours were there by chance and certainly not … Read more
Archive for January, 2009
Mission: Impossible
I was delighted to discover that an obscure cable television channel is showing reruns of one of my favorite old shows, Mission: Impossible. From the unique theme song to the plan and the payoff, I was always on the edge of my seat. … Read more
God Will Send His Angels To Guard You
Do you believe in angels? Do they really exist? These questions ran through my mind for quite a few days. Every morning, when I start from my house, I say Psalm 91 along the way. When I come to verses 11 and 12, I think, "Where are the … Read more
Rose Of All Roses
We bought our first home eight years ago, and being in a new area, it has taken time to get the gardens in place. One of the last gardens to be done was the one that had been dug when we moved in. I finally decided that I wanted to try my … Read more
Rebuilding Moral Fibre
Over the years, we have observed a downward moral trend, as Western society has become more and more secular, and traditional values and laws based on the Bible have been overturned. Some have even tried to argue that the Christian faith … Read more
When We Trust God
Some years ago, as a family, we, along with hundreds of others, faced the reality of my husband's job loss. Around us, couples experienced desperation, panic, fear, and worry at the realization of having to trade a strong, rich, working … Read more
We Will Not Fear
Living near one of the most majestic mountains of the Cascade range, I am constantly reminded of the might and presence of our Creator God. Rounding a corner as I drove to work one day, I was met by another breathtaking view of Mount … Read more
I Remember
I worked in the school system when my children were growing up. I knew all their friends and classmates. Time has passed. That generation now has school-aged children. Frequently, I meet these middle-aged adults. They always remember … Read more
Cardinal Blessings
As I write this, I am seated by a window, overlooking my garden; sadly, it is now too cool to sit outside. I am attempting to read my daily devotional and Bible. (This practice "grounds" me, before the demands of the day begin!) A sudden … Read more
Lurking In A Fridge Near You
Opening the refrigerator, I was not expecting to be met with an overturned jar of beet root — yes, beet root — the kind packed in vinegar. The shelf was stained red, and the beet juice had dripped to the shelf below. I grabbed a cloth … Read more
Humbleness Of God
I live in a dirt area. The rainfall is twenty inches a year at best. As I write, the last measurable rainfall was six months ago. The dirt we have is a good dirt, as a farmer views it. We do have agricultural crops planted strategically … Read more
The Ruler Of The House
My friend's chihuahua "Kirk" rules the household where he lives, though he's not aware of it. Neither is he aware of being a dog. His mistress has her entire schedule built around his wants and needs. Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of … Read more
The Legacy Of The Leaf
In years past, I've pretty well cleared up the leaves that are left on the ground after they have fallen and been blown around. Three years ago, I was away a great deal, getting in some good Nana time, as I was needed to care for our … Read more
Hudson Miracle
This past Thursday, we saw a miracle unfold on the Hudson River in New York, USA. A US Airways flight heading to Charlotte, North Carolina, lost both its engines as it was taking off, and the veteran pilot had to glide the plane into the … Read more
God's Abiding Presence
Have you ever experienced an earworm? As a member of our church choir, I often come home from church with the words of the current anthem, or a hymn that was sung during the service, tumbling about in my head. Often, those lyrics remain … Read more
Are We Seeing The Signs?
We have reached the time for our youngest son to begin the process of getting a driver's licence. As we sat together studying for his test, I had the role of checking his answers. I would read the question with him, then read the answer … Read more
Spiritual Junk Food
When my grandchildren visit, I stock up on junk food to make them happy during the short time of their visit. I can get by with this, knowing that their parents will allow me to indulge them, but they will get them back on the straight … Read more
The Procrastinator
A person I once knew lived in a very remote area with a driveway that was almost inaccessible in good weather and absolutely impossible to navigate during the winter months. One year as winter approached, the heating oil tank needed … Read more
His Joy Is My Strength
Many of us Christians, at one time or another, have resorted to Bible roulette. We have flipped through the pages of the Bible, stopped randomly on a page, let our finger fall on a passage, and have read what God has to say to us. Like … Read more
God's Special Child
For some parents, the worst fear is having a child who is handicapped. I have often asked the question, how does today's Scripture apply to raising a child with a severe disability? As a mother of a son with autism, I understand the … Read more
Down The Yellow Line
The best decision would have been to stay home, but the young tend to think they're invincible. This was our thinking, when with friends, I found myself navigating our way to a late evening sports practice twenty minutes out of town. The … Read more
Tire Tracks In The Snow
For those of us in northern climes, a snowfall in winter is a common sight. Everyone has a different way of dealing with snow. One winter, I was very lazy, and never cleared away any of the snow that fell in our laneway. I just kept … Read more
Footprints In The Snow
In my neighbourhood, I deliver a free community newspaper twice a week. I do it mainly for the exercise, but it's nice to get paid for exercising! Recently, this task has been a challenge, with more than a metre of snow having fallen in … Read more
Dealing With Death
It was the first time that I saw someone actually die, and he was a stranger to me. I had just started as a part-time chaplain to a local hospital and received a call very early one Saturday morning. "Can you come and help a patient's … Read more
What Comes After Hello?
My son and I recently met up with my uncle in a store. Once we said "Hello" to each other, my son and uncle began to chat. For the next ten minutes, the talk revolved around computers and the technical lingo that goes with it. To be … Read more
Perfect Or Okay?
Several months ago, my kids and my husband bought me the Wii fit board for my birthday. We already had the Wii Sport, which I had been enjoying. They all thought this might make exercising — which I don't really enjoy — a bit more fun. … Read more
What, Me Worry?
Years ago, while I was in high school, I had several friends who really enjoyed Mad magazine. One of them regularly bought each issue, and we would get together and read it. The face of Alfred E. Neuman, freckled and sporting a toothy … Read more
The First Christians
Over the holidays, I watched a television program on the History Channel called "The First Christians". It was all about the origins of our faith and how Christ's devoted followers suffered for their beliefs. It was such an interesting … Read more
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