Easter Lilies And Christmas Cacti

Monday, December 1, 2008
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2 Corinthians 9:11,15 – Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. (KJV)

Living in the centre of Vancouver Island on Canada's west coast gives us pretty moderate temperatures. Although we usually are graced with a snowfall sometime in our winter months, it is what one would call a token snowfall.

Our most colourful mayor, who has since passed on, called our community The Sunporch of Canada and boasted that we even have palm trees growing here. Few outside our community are privy to the fact that the palm trees are boxed up during our winter months to ensure their stability for the spring and summer.

That said, I've never seen Easter lilies growing outside. That's not to say they do not. It is just not something I have ever seen. So, it was with much surprise and delight one October that I watched as three pods began forming on an Easter lily which I'd put outside following the end of its blooming cycle the previous Easter season.

Though not too unusual, at the same time inside our home, five of my Christmas cacti were also in bud.

October had been growing chilly, with some rain and some sun each day, but I didn't even dream that my lilies would actually bloom; I was just happy with the pods. But sure enough, as that November approached, the pods and buds kept forming, and by November 11th, which is Remembrance Day in Canada, the three pods on my Easter lily had burst into full bloom, followed by the buds on my Christmas cacti.

God graces us with "bursts of beauty" in so very many ways, including a plant in bloom or the friendly smile of a stranger passing us on a street. Do we remember to "burst into thanks" when we are given these unexpected gifts?

Prayer: May we take the time to appreciate even the tiniest of gifts from You, O Lord, and may we remember to make the time to give thanks to You for all gifts given freely and unexpectedly — gifts that are Yours alone to give. In Your name we pray and give thanks for this day. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <marydee@shaw.ca>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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