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Isaiah 46:4 – Even in your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (NIV)
A friend underwent surgery, and on her first day back in church, I asked how she was feeling. Turning to me with a warm smile, she answered, "I was carried through. I almost feel embarrassed saying that," she went on, "but I knew you would understand. It was as if I was floating."
Yes, I did understand. It was the Lord carrying my friend through the surgery. I had also experienced being carried through, years ago during hip surgery. It was as if all my fears, worries, and tension — my wishing it were all over — floated away. I was being carried on eagles' wings. The sense of God's presence was powerful.
Exodus 19:4 is a well-loved Bible verse, and with good reason. I can hear the music echoing in my head as I recall what it says: "how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself." (NIV)
As I watch the eagles soaring overhead along the coast here on Vancouver Island, I can imagine being carried aloft on those mighty wings, and soaring! Life should be like that, as in faith and trust, we are carried in God's hands.
Just think how it would feel to know that today, you and I will be carried along. Things would work out in wonderful ways that go way beyond our expectations. In this, the senior era of my life, strength can fail, and weakness limits me all too often! Being carried, as if on eagles' wings, means a lot to us who are crowned with grey hair.
Today, with prayer supporting all that we do, we can experience this wonderful floating, even though the air may be heavy with worry or the soul aching with sadness. We should never confine the eagle's wings just to the surgical ward. They call to us in the daily situation as the Lord carries us through each challenge. What about those hard business meetings? What about today's visit to a lost, angry former friend? How can we soar when our feelings are hurt, or we are so very tired? When surrounded by prayer, we will be carried through — no doubt about it. It is a marvellous experience being carried aloft in the hands of God, soaring with hope, confidence, joy, and peace.
Prayer: Dear Lord, too often we have been trying to control our own destinies, but now today, we humbly let self go, floating along, carried by You through all the challenges and opportunities that come our way. We know that Christ is the One who sustains each of us. No longer will we just get by in our own strength. We stand humbled as amazing things happen. Lord, thank You for Your hands under us, carrying each one of us through today. Amen.
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