Resting On The Journey

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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Exodus 33:14 – And he said, "My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest." (KJV)

October is the month when the swallows fly from San Juan Capistrano, California, to winter in South America. They return regularly on March 19th the following year. They have done this for hundreds of years.

Can we possibly imagine what this world would be like without the presence of birds — from the fluttering hummingbird to the soaring eagle, or from the most colourful to the tiniest, insignificant brown sparrow? Bird watchers were particularly interested in the swallows and their habits. How did they fly so many miles across open water without touching land to rest? With close observation, they finally discovered that each bird carries a tiny twig in its claw, and when tired, flutters to the ocean surface, perches, and rests!

Perhaps we are viewing life's mountain over which we must travel, and its enormity seems beyond us. God has promised us a rest upon the way. More importantly, He has promised that His presence will go with us; that we need never travel alone. Our joy is in the solid fact that God never retracts His promises, so may we grasp our spiritual twig with confidence: "My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest."

Prayer: Our gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for the provision You have made for the care of little-valued little birds. We look to You with confidence for the care You will provide for us, the greatest of Your creations. Be it financial, physical, or spiritual need, You will be there for us. We praise You for this expression of Your love. We come into Your presence in the authority of Your Son and our Saviour, Christ Jesus. Amen.

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About the author:

Vena Poole

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