Earnestly Seek Him

Thursday, October 16, 2008
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Psalm 25:4 – Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. (NKJV)

We often hear of the "will of God" and often talk of trying to "find" it. We are told in Scripture to be in a constant mode of prayer, but also to be careful what we pray for. When we earnestly seek His will in our lives, we also need to be ready for God to move. We need to be ready for change, to be open for new possibilities, and generally to be prepared for stuff to happen.

All of us probably know people who say they earnestly seek God's will, but then throw out an anchor! "Well, I didn't mean that, God, or at least not that way. And I certainly didn't mean right now. I just wanted to know what You want me to do, but I've got things of my own I have to take care of first. I have this and that and thus and so; maybe next year will be better. Is that all right, God?"

Do we think God wants to hear that from us?

"I, the Creator, the Potter, the Originator of all things, am telling you what you need to do — and you, the creation, my little vessel — am telling me, 'No'?"

There's definitely something fearful about saying "No" to God — or even thinking about saying "No" to God. If we earnestly seek His will in our lives, we need to be prepared to act upon the answer, whenever it comes. And it's certainly not a very good time to drop our anchors.

Prayer: Lord, we want to be obedient to what You would have us do for Your glory. We delight to do Your will. Amen.

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About the author:

Marsha Corrales
Ponca City, Oklahoma, USA

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