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Psalm 104:24 – How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. (NIV)
Every now and again, for no particular reason, as I'm doing some ordinary task such as putting away leftovers or getting into the car — snap! Suddenly I'm in debilitating pain, and I can't straighten up. It's my back again. First, I whine a bit. (Doesn't God know that I need to exercise for my health, to care for my family, to be invincible?) Then I take some medicine and wait for the pain to go away.
Last week, it happened as I was pushing off on my bicycle. I had hoped to start pedaling to work to save gas. Grumble, grumble: "Why me?"
Then, during my devotional time, I read Psalm 104. One would think that at such a time, God would show me a passage about His healing power or His help in troubled times. But that was not what I needed. Psalm 104 talks about His works — the heavens, the earth, mountains, animals, plants, sea creatures — and how they show His unimaginable glory. Here we see God's plan laid out. Everything from animals' homes through man's labour and the four seasons — all are knit together as one in what C.S. Lewis called "The Great Dance".
Through this soul-stirring song, God brought me out of my self-pity. This God, this all-encompassing Creator, by His grace calls puny little me His own, His child. My pain was not eliminated, but overwhelmed by this thought.
Psalm 64:9 – All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. (NIV)
Psalm 107:22 – Let them sacrifice thank-offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy. (NIV)
Acts 2:11b – We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues! (NIV)
All through the Scriptures, we are told to speak of God's wonderful works. But how often do we do it? How can we neglect to speak of what is all around us — His glorious creation? Let us read Psalm 104 again, and be inspired to proclaim His works!
Prayer: Almighty Creator, we give You thanks for Your awe-inspiring works that so encourage and inspire us. Open our eyes to Your wonders that we may meditate on them and proclaim them to the world. In the name of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
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