VBS Faith

Friday, July 25, 2008
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2 Timothy 3:15 – And how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

Last year, on the last day of our Vacation Bible School, I wrote some reflections. The VBS had been a phenomenal success, greatly due to the amount of preparation and planning that our VBS team accomplished. I am in awe of the amount of energy, focus, and faith displayed throughout the week. God has blessed us with many talented people, and their perseverance brought a lot of glory for His kingdom.

The children had a great time, too. I'm envious of the faith journey that they are going through: the songs and stories, games and crafts, were never a part of my growing up. It's wonderful to see how many lessons of faith are being joyfully presented to our youngsters. I hope and pray that seeds of faith are being planted in their hearts and souls, which will grow and be a part of their lives forever.

On the day before the end of the Vacation Bible School, I conducted the funeral of a fifty-year-old man who died whilst on vacation with his family. There were people at the graveside who had great difficulty reconciling themselves to this tragic fact. It made me wonder what their own faith journey was like, and if any seeds of faith had been sown in their hearts to help them through their loss.

Our work in the church is not only to plant seeds of faith from infancy, but also to clear the weeds of unbelief and distraction that choke the hearts and spirits of unchurched and de-churched adults. VBS might begin the journey for some, but only faith in Jesus can make that journey complete.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the many wonderful opportunities of sharing faith with the children in our communities. We pray that the lessons they learn in Vacation Bible Schools will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Help us also to reach out to those who have grown away from the church. Grant us opportunities to help them reconnect with You, Your Gospel, and Your kingdom. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <traqair@aol.com>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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