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Proverbs 16:16 – How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! (NIV)
When I returned to my hometown after many years, my friend was still attending the same church we had attended as youths. He had been blessed with a moderate amount of wealth and social success, so I asked him why he was still in the same place. He replied, "I'd rather be a leader at the top of the lower strata, rather than just an average person at the bottom of the upper level. Here I can be a leader."
This man had found his place in life and was attempting to lead others to the peace and understanding he had acquired. To have continued the upward climb, leaving his old friends behind, would have led to a lifelong struggle toward achieving and proving himself, and possibly, he might have lost contact with the God of his youth.
Proverbs 16:19 – Better to be lowly in spirit among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. (NIV)
This man had discovered a secret that many people, though rich and successful, never find.
Proverbs 16:22 – Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it. (NIV)
When King Solomon asked God for wisdom and understanding, the Lord also gave him wealth and power.
There is a way for us to have a little of all that life offers. We have to discover the important things first, find our place and purpose in life, and let God provide the rest. We might find that being at the "top of the bottom" is where our success lies.
Prayer: Lord, we all need Your wisdom and understanding. Power, fame, riches, and beauty are worth nothing without them. Guide us up the ladder or down the path where You want us to be serving You. When we find Your purpose for us, our blessings will follow. Amen.
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