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Deuteronomy 32:7 – Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you. (NIV)
We call them the good old days — times past when life was less stressful and people were more innocent. We remember them fondly in our hearts. For every generation, "the good old days" are a different decade, a different culture, a different society.
I find myself revisiting the past by watching old movies, or viewing old television programs from my childhood, or listening to classic songs and real singers from the past in my car. As I do these things, I find myself wistfully transported back to the days of old, and sometimes, I wish I were back there still. But time moves on and waits for no-one. Eventually, I am brought back to my responsibilities and present-day circumstances.
Old hymns cause me to experience the same. One evening recently, I was preaching at a senior citizens' assisted living centre where we sang hymns that I hadn't heard in years. I also read from the King James Version of the Bible and felt the tangible faith of the people present as I intoned the old "thees" and "thous", "heareths" and "leadeths". (The spell checker on my computer is now having a fit because it doesn't recognize any of those words.) It was very comforting to feel that some things never change and that the good old days of the Bible can still penetrate the hearts and souls of people.
Like me, you're probably facing another busy week. Perhaps you have deadlines to meet, or projects to accomplish, or targets to achieve. In the midst of all our busyness and the stress of trying to keep up, it's good to know that God never changes, His words are always relevant, and His love endures forever.
Prayer: Lord God, You know what kind of week that we have before us. You already see what things we must do and paths we must take. Help us and hold us; guide us and lead us; comfort and embrace us, step by step and day by day. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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