Joyful Dreams

Friday, February 22, 2008
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Psalm 126:2 – Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." (NIV)

Psalm 126 is one of my favourite passages in the Bible. It resonates with what I've experienced in my life. When I was a teenager and had no control over the sadness in my home life, I hated myself and my circumstances. This self-hatred took me away from my family and friends because I supplanted them with a love of alcohol. I put myself into danger and exiled my emotions, using beer, whiskey, and wine to escape from my frustrations and fears.

Then I found the Lord and rediscovered the joy in Jesus that I had had in my heart when I was in elementary school. I still struggled with alcohol for a while, but eventually I was able to let it go because I became addicted to God, Jesus, and the Gospel. It was like coming out of a self-imposed nightmare and going into a God-given dream.

Throughout my life, I've seen people struggle with the same demons of drink and emotional attacks. I've tried to help them overcome their addictions and to show them the joy of the Lord. I'd love to say that I've been successful every time, but sadly, some people are more self-destructive than others, and eventually, they ruin their relationships, empty their emotions, and destroy their bodies. When that occurs, I feel heartbroken, because I know that things could have been so much different if they had truly let Christ into their lives.

If you're struggling with an addiction or an obsession, or know someone close beside you who is, get help. We must not leave it until it's too late, or ignore it and hope that it will all go away. There are many good counsellors and godly pastors, specialists and experts who can empower and enable anyone to overcome. With their help and Christ in our hearts, we can turn those horrible nightmares into hopeful dreams. Let us seize the day and let that transforming moment begin now.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know everything about us, so we can never hide or conceal anything from You. You are completely aware of our weaknesses and addictions, secrets and obsessions. Help us to find help and seek assistance in overcoming those demons of deception that want to destroy our hearts and happiness, our spirits and souls. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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