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Isaiah 52:7 – How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger bringing good news, breaking the news that all's well, proclaiming good times, announcing salvation, telling Zion, "Your God reigns!" (MSG)
Beautiful feet! What an interesting thought! Our feet are a part of our body that we don't usually consider as being beautiful. What is the definition of "beautiful feet"? The answer could be different for every one who answers that question.
I worked for years in a long-term care facility. I saw a lot of elderly feet. Most of them were knotted and gnarled. Looking at them, a person would not consider them to be beautiful.
I thought about how many miles those feet had walked. I thought about the hours those feet had walked to come to the part of the country where we live, to open it up. I thought about how hard those feet had worked. The Peace Country in Alberta, Canada, hasn't been opened up for hundred of years like other parts. It was those feet that I washed and rubbed and dressed that had walked along with their oxen and a few wagons full of all their earthly possessions. Those people had heard the news that the Peace Country was a good farming area, and many followed their dreams to open up the region.
When those first settlers arrived, they had a lot of hard work to do. They had to cut down trees to build their houses. They had to go hunting to find food to eat. They had to settle close to a river or lake in order to have water. They worked hard for the betterment of their own families, for the area, and for mankind in general. I'm sure they wrote home to their parents and told them the good news of homes being built, and of the long, sun-filled days in the summer in which things can grow so well.
After all is said and done, those feet were beautiful.
God wants us to tell others that all is well. God is in control. He loves us. He wants to redeem us. He wants to heal us. He wants us to live in victory. These things can be hard work, as well. God says, in our verse for today, that our feet are beautiful if we tell others about Him.
Prayer: Lord, perhaps we haven't thought about beautiful feet before, but we see that feet can be beautiful. We pray for Your grace and Your power to step out and talk to others about Your good news — the good news that You died for us and want to save us. Amen.
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