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Matthew 25:25 – So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you. (NIV)
A billboard at a local church, known for its wise and catchy messages, recently posted the following: "Burying your talent is a grave mistake." I trust that others who passed the church that week received its message as I did.
It is easy to make that "grave mistake". Any time we fail to recognize, use, or develop a talent, it is a "grave mistake". We limit God and cheat ourselves by not developing and using the talents God has given to us.
"I have no talents," we often say, or "That's not my talent", we say, shrugging off a responsibility we don't want to do. Sometimes, we think of talent as art and music, teaching or writing, and nothing more. Baking a cake, cleaning a kitchen, mowing the yard, visiting the sick and shut-ins, and encouraging those in need of a ray of sunshine are also talents to be used. None of these come fully developed and perfected. We have to use them over and over until they are mature.
Matthew 25:21 – His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (NIV)
Jesus tells us that our talents will be multiplied when we use them. He also says that what is not used will be subtracted. The more we develop our talents, the better we can serve the Giver of these gifts. Our lives become much richer. Burying them is a "grave mistake" — for our lives and for the kingdom of God.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for our talents. May we multiply them for service in Your kingdom. Amen.
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