Small Things

Sunday, December 30, 2007
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Luke 19:17 – "Well done, my good servant!" his master replied. "Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities." (NIV)

I was downcast, worried, and in physical pain in several different locations on my middle-aged body. It was a rainy Saturday, and I returned to bed after breakfast, thankful for a moment's relaxation. For some time, I had struggled with where God would have me go and what He would have me do next. In my selfishness, as I approached a different era in my life, I had sought some grand mission, some clear new role in my Christian life. I had served for many years in church lay leadership; however, in recent months, by God's will, I had found myself in smaller-scale, but more personal, one-on-one service in a local veteran's hospital. In that morning of recaptured rest, I do not know how God did it, but He comforted me and soothed me. He led me to realize that the smallest assignment for Him is of infinite importance because it is His work. His Kingdom is unseen, but infinite and timeless. Our lives and our work here are fleeting unless we build that Kingdom, and where we do, the smallest act — the smallest service to a single person — becomes of infinite importance. We should not look for the grand assignment, but look for Him where He is working and join Him each day. We should take joy in the small tasks He provides for us to perform. The God we serve asks us to be faithful in the small things, and He will take care of the rest.

Prayer: God, help us to listen to hear what Your will is for us and how we may serve You each day. Guard us, God. Thank You for saving us. Amen.

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About the author:

Frank Hearne <>
Lutz, Florida, USA

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