
Friday, October 19, 2007
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Psalm 90:8 – You place our sins before you, our secret sins where you can see them. (GNB)

In our town, in our province, in our country, summer is the time to repair the side roads, the streets, the highways. During wintertime, it cannot be done. So the construction is in full strength during the summer months. It is very frustrating when trying to go across town, or across the province, for that matter.

Basically, we human beings are impatient — we want to get to where we are going and to do it quickly. I see that so much more in our booming city. We all have a purpose for our travels, and it is hard to slow down for those construction zones. It is not safe for the workers when the motorists go by so fast. As a result, the law now states that speeding fines are doubled when workers are present.

I received an interesting letter in the mail not long ago. I opened it and was surprised to see that it was a speeding ticket. It showed a picture of my car, the license plate number, the street I had been on, and the amount of the fine. I couldn't remember when I had last been on that street. But I couldn't deny it — the car's picture was in front of my eyes; the license plate number matched mine. I had to admit that I had been speeding, and I had to pay my fine — yes, my doubled fine.

I thought about how God says, "Be sure your sin will catch up with you." (Numbers 32:23 Holman Christian Standard Bible) When that happens, we can deny it, or we can minimize it, or we can blame others for our sin. Even if we continue to live in denial about our sins, God still sees them. They are not hidden from Him at all. Alternatively, we can acknowledge our sin and agree with God that it is sin, and He will cleanse us.

1 John 1:9 – On the other hand, if we admit our sins — make a clean breast of them — he won't let us down; he'll be true to himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. (MSG)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to be honest with You and with others about our sins. Amen.

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About the author:

Judy Miller <>
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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