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Matthew 21:22 – If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (NIV)
I was reading a novel in which the main characters were always saying, "Let's pray about it." That is a wise thing to do, I thought, but during one part in the book, it struck me as rather odd. The lady was looking for a quiet place in the house to paint. There were builders repairing the fireplace chimney in the kitchen, a cleaning lady moving about the house, and some children as well, but she had her own work to do. So, she and her husband prayed, asking God to reveal to them a quiet place in the house for her to paint. My first reaction was, "Why would God care about that? That is such a little thing to pray about."
But God doesn't want us to pray to Him about just the "big" things in our lives. He wants to know about all of our concerns, worries, and fears, as well as our successes and triumphs — no matter how big or small we might think they are. It is through prayer that we can communicate with God and tell Him about what is going on in our life, and it helps us to build our relationship with Him.
Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (NIV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, sometimes we mention only the "big" prayer requests because we think the others are too insignificant to bring to You. Help us to bring all our requests to You in humility and faith, and lay them at Your feet, knowing that You hear us when we pray. Amen.
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