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Ephesians 4:11 – The gifts that he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. (NRSV)
I asked the Lord to make Saturday a blessed day. I wanted a day in which I could be a blessing to someone along life's way and find joy in the process.
My little "buggy" came to a halt at the Habitat for Humanity building site. I grabbed my walking stick and my tool belt. With some effort, my weak leg got out of the little car. I wanted to sing, "Fill my cup, Lord," but I figured half of my cohorts would leave on the first line, so I held back. God didn't wait. There were wonderful friends — some old and some new ones — all there donating their time. They ranged from little seven-year-old Jimmy to seventy-five-year-old Burns. It was hot, and the work was hard. There was a professional contractor to guide the stumbling work of us amateurs. He was donating his Saturday morning, after working all the week.
One of the older men was having trouble hitting the nails. Because of two brain surgeries, I have no use of my left hand, so my friend started a row of nails in the headers that we were building, and I drove the nails down.
Today's Scripture does not include "makeshift carpenters" along with pastors, evangelists, and teachers, but I believe that such persons are vitally important — and were included that Saturday.
What a Saturday morning! We had great fellowship, and took an opportunity, with help, to do a little to help someone else. I had the joy of feeling that God had filled my cup in a meaningful way.
Prayer: O God, You can take a boring or ordinary Saturday morning and fill it with joy and excitement and satisfaction. Make today count! Thank You! Amen.
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