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Luke 6:38 – Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back — given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. (MSG)
We were having a neighbourhood barbecue. The event was arranged through our church. The food and drinks were supplied. All I had to do was go to pick them up. This was a church-wide event, so the announcement was made in church. The plan was for people who lived in each neighbourhood to be made aware of the location of various barbecues throughout the city, and go to enjoy the food and fellowship closest to them.
It had been a busy day, a busy week, a busy month. I was tired. The weather wasn't that great. It was cool and cloudy. I was complaining bitterly on the inside. Something I don't like is to be outside when it is cold. Oh, how I begrudged the time that I had to spend setting up for the barbecue, lighting the barbecue, making sure all the preparations were complete. I was not a happy camper, although I put on a happy face.
Then, neighbours started coming. Some, whom I had never met before, arrived around the corner of the house. Others, whom we had known for a few years, came, excited to reconnect with us as well. Bit by bit, my attitude changed. I was really having fun. Guess what? It rained on us also. By then, it didn't matter to me. My heart was warmed by friends — old and new.
I thought about my previous rotten attitude. I did give of my time, my home, and myself. And how I was blessed! It thrilled my heart anew to know that God's Word is so true, as in our verse for today.
Oh, how God longs to bless us, but sometimes we block that blessing by not giving of ourselves.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, so many times, we don't see the whole picture. We see only the immediate circumstances. Often all we see is ourselves. Please forgive us, we pray. We know Your Word is true. God, we are depending on You to give our life back with bonus and blessing when we give of ourselves. We love You, Jesus. Amen.
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