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Psalm 19:1a – The heavens declare the glory of God. (NKJV)
Psalm 102:25 – Of old You laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. (NKJV)
I've recently developed quite an interest in photography — landscapes, birds, and flowers — but particularly sunsets. Living in an area where I can watch the sun set every evening only a few minutes from my home has allowed me to see a multitude of varying sunsets over the past few summers. Words cannot describe their beauty!
One of the new songs our praise team recently learned is called "Offering" by Paul Baloche. The first two lines of the second verse say:
- The sun cannot compare to the glory of Your love;
There is no shadow in Your presence.
Sometimes it is hard to look at the sun — it is so bright. The Bible says that no one can look at the face of God — how glorious He is! "This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5 NKJV)
I often used to take my CD player with me and listen to my favourite praise music as I photographed the sunsets. What a wonderful experience of drawing near to God!
Another song, "Creation Calls" by Brian Doerksen, says:
- How could I say there is no God,
When all around creation calls,
A singing bird, a mighty tree,
The vast expanse of open sea.
Lying down beneath the stars,
I feel Your presence there.
I believe, I believe.
God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. May we never take for granted His creation, and may we always praise Him for it!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have created the heavens and the earth, and we thank You and praise You for that. Help us to appreciate Your creation always. Thank You for times when You draw us close to Yourself through Your creation. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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