No Greater Love

Saturday, June 2, 2007
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John 15:12-13 – This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for his friends. (NKJV)

We live about forty-five minutes' drive from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. I have been on the lovely campus of Virginia Tech many times; our middle son worked there several years ago. The terrible tragedy on April 16, 2007, that took the lives of 32 victims has greatly saddened our hearts, especially for the loved ones who lost a family member or friend there.

But even amidst all the grief and sorrow, I am reminded of our precious Lord's great love for this world — and of the example He set of giving His life for us wretched sinners. This example of Jesus laying down His life for others was followed by one professor that day at Virginia Tech: Luviu Librescu, 76 years of age, a professor of engineering at the college. This precious man, who was a Holocaust survivor, laid down his life for his friends. He literally laid his body in front of the door through which the killer was shooting. This teacher directed his students to jump out the windows to save their lives.

One can only imagine how those students must have felt at that time, to actually have a precious soul do something so unselfish! Some of the students may have tried to get the professor to leave and save himself, but he went beyond his call of duty as a teacher and gave the ultimate sacrifice — his life. Lives were saved because of this act. What an imitation of Christ this man performed!

Let us all be praying that each of us would be ready to be an example to the world of God's love, no matter what the cost.

Prayer: Precious heavenly Father, we thank You for Your sacrifice of love for us. Help us to grow daily to become more like You, so that others may come to know You as their personal Saviour and Lord. May we be found faithful, loving one another as He loved us. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Gloria Coffey <>
Princeton, West Virginia, USA

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