Energy From The Word

Friday, May 25, 2007
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Colossians 2:6-7a – So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith. (NIV)

Many of my days begin with an early morning trip to the YMCA for water aerobics. I'm not interested in breakfast at this early hour, but I've found that if I'm to discipline my body in exercise for a full hour, it needs energy from some source. I've found that a high energy drink when I arise helps me to work out better and to be more productive later in the morning.

I've also observed that a dose of spiritual energy, derived from a quick devotional or a few choice Bible verses, gives me a spiritual boost and starts my day on a much higher and more energetic level.

Just as our physical body needs nourishment to help us function better, our spirits too must have nourishment on a regular basis. No amount of self-will can equal the rich and nourishing Word of God fed to our spirits at the beginning of a new day.

Not the morning news on the radio or television, nor the editorial and opinion pages of the morning newspaper, nor legal rules, nor fellowship with friends over a cup of coffee can provide the nourishment we get from the Word of God. Feeding on God's Word early in the day keeps our spiritual life nourished and functioning all day long.

Prayer: Precious Jesus, You asked Your disciples to feed Your sheep. You commanded them to go into the entire world and spread Your Word. How are we to do this without proper spiritual nourishment of our own souls and spirits? Keep us aware of how important our own nourishment is, both to meet our own needs and to do Your work in the world. Your trees are known by their fruit. Nourish us so we can show Your fruit of the Spirit to others. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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