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Psalm 27:4 – One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. (NIV)
Being an avid golfer, I do not miss many golf courses as we drive around the countryside. We were out and about a few months ago, and I noticed that this particular golf course had closed. To my dismay, it looked liked houses would soon occupy the land, as development was taking place all around this area.
One day recently, we drove past the same deserted golf course. The club house was still there. This was really the only sign that a golf course had ever been there. The area is now overgrown with long grasses and weeds. It did not resemble the finely-manicured course I once recalled. I could not believe how quickly the weeds had taken over and strangled the beautiful course. It seems to me that once the people stopped taking care of the course with proper watering, fertilizing, and cutting, the weeds moved right in and choked the life right out of the grass.
The enemy does the same in our lives if we are not careful. We need to have Jesus in our hearts and a relationship with Him. Then He can take care of the watering and fertilizing, and keep our life manicured. If we stray away, then the enemy tries to move into our lives and choke out all the goodness and spiritual health in us.
Let us all be diligent with our walk with the Lord and not allow the enemy a foothold.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, help us to maintain our relationship with You. Direct us from going astray and becoming entangled in the weeds of life. We thank You that You go before us in all we do. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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